This week wasn't all that exciting, but I did take a ton of pictures :)
Sister Lewis and I ate dinner at a members house in the beginning of the week, and I really needed to go to the potty, so I asked where it was. When I got in there I saw a space ship. hahaha It was the weirdest toilet I've ever seen!! I took a picture that I'll attatch :) AND the seat was heated!? Weirdest experience of my life.
Sister Lewis and I have had a rough week investigator-wise. Though we taught 25 lessons this week, we had a lot of people cancel and the last thing I ever want to do is tract. I strongly dislike tracting, but we found ourselves doing just that a lot this week!
We also have focused on members a lot because member help is HUGE! Just because you aren't wearing a name tag, doesn't mean you're not a missionary :) I never really knew how to help the missionaries when I wasn't on my mission, but now that I am, I see the importance of member help. Members can fellowship, sit in on lessons with investigators and even teach a little, offer their home for an invetigator to be taught in (the spirit in the home helps a ton), and especially give referrals to the missionaries! Member help is a treasure!!
Our investigator, J, is the lady that has a lot of faith, but she is baptist and we think she talked to someone because she is being weird now. She is unemployed but doesn't have time for us anymore... and she is super short in her texts to us. As much as we don't want to, I think we are going to drop her. We both feel like we should.
Sister Lewis and I work really really well together!! Whenever we park somewhere, or start to do something, or plan a lesson for a certain person, we both have the same feeling! We are both so in-tune to the spirit and knowing your companion feels the same way as you do about a certain situation, is a confirmation that you were listening to the spirit, and that you know what to do, or not to do. Serving a mission alone would be ROUGH. I am so thankful for my companion :) We always sing Michale Buble songs.. those are uplifting right? :P
Fun facts about Virginia: People ALWAYS wear pajama pants!? Like when you see someone walking down the street, they're in pajama pants. So weird. Also, people here can't drive. It's like the rules are nonexistent! It's sort of scary. They like to stop in the middle of the intersection, so when the light turns green for the other people, nobody can go because there are cars in the way. Annoying! But oh well. What can ya do :)
Sunday I was freezing in gospel principles and this old man was like, "would you like my jacket??" After debating on whether or not that would be weird, I told him that I was okay. But he then insisted
and said, "please, I don't get many opportunities to be a gentleman". So he gave me his jacket and I was no longer freezing :)
and said, "please, I don't get many opportunities to be a gentleman". So he gave me his jacket and I was no longer freezing :)
These cool people are from Haiti and speak FRENCH! I thought that was cool. Anyway, they are only here for 2 weeks for a leadership thing? And had a list of places to worship! They happened to pick ours and walked in! The lesson that day was on the post mortal existence, which sparked curiosity for them! They asked questions and sister Lewis and I happened to have a French Book of Mormon in our trunk!! So we gave it to them and taught a little more :) it was cool!!
Well that's really all for my week! We are inviting C to be baptized tonight, and we are confident she is ready :) We have a lot of other investigators but I don't have time to tell you all their stories, too :/ Maybe another day :) I have a ton of pictures to send so I'll get on that.
The trees here are beautiful!! So many different colors, and the leaves are MASSIVE!! I was so impressed haha :)
I hope everyone is having a good week and staying healthy!! (Lots of missionaries are getting sick but I'm fine) Thanks for all the love and support, and emails :)
Sister Chandler