Hello Hello!!
Okay! So I'll start with the plane ride to DC! :) I totally sat by a nonmember and shared the gospel! haha SO awesome! I was able to share our beliefs and find common ground. She was so sweet and it was fun talking to her :)
The plane ride from Minniapolis to DC was about 2 1/2 hours and remember that punk district leader of mine?? He totally opened up to me and spilled his guts about why he is so mean and he wishes he could be better. I tried to help as best I could and gave him some positive encouragement. When we figured out where our seats were on the plane, we found out we sat right across from each other and he said, "It's fate!" and I was like, 'Yeah fate to not sleep. You're going to talk my ear off the whole time!" and he did. But I think he needed to so it was fine! EXCEPT!!! For some reason he found it okay to shake my hand and slip a note in that handshake?! The note said, "Write me in 18 months. It's fate!"...... ?! No. I didn't even know what to do. hahah awkward.
Anyway, once we landed, President and Sister Riggs were there to pick us up! :) They took us on a tour around DC and we went back to their place for the night! We had a little devotional that nobody could stay awake through, and I slept like a baby :) President Riggs interviewed everyone that night, and when it was my turn he looked at me seriously. He said, "Sister Chandler. I have been worried about your arrival". **Concerned look on my face** He continued, "We always put pictures of incoming missionaries up on a wall, and we had to take them down because everyone kept coming to see 'Sister Chandler'... now.. don't tell me you have a boyfriend?" Immediately I was like, "He's serving in Cambodia right now actually! :)" A wave of relief washed over President Riggs as he said, "Good! Advertise that would you?? And tell your companion to help you advertise the fact that you have a boyfriend! The elders will back off and then refocus". Umm... okay! :) hahah Nooooo problamo President! :)
The next morning I met my trainer!! Her name is Sister Lewis! She has been out for only 3 months now but she is SO wonderful!! I learn so much from her and she has the same personality as me so we get along SO well! :) I have been blessed with wonderfull companions so far. Sister Lewis has a super amazing singing voice! She could do broadway if she wanted to! I always try to sing just as good when we sing hymns, but it never happens haha :) I love her!
We immediately went tracting that night!! It was crazy!!! People here are frankly rude, and when you smile at someone in Walmart, it's like you're wearing a sign on your head that says, "Glare at me". Don't smile at people in Walmart. (Don't worry, I do anyway) :) Tracting was weird at first because as soon as the door would open, every thought I previously had about what to say, completely vanished. I was like, "Uh......." hahaha this is why we have companions ;)
I'll be honest. The first 4 days in the field were ROUGH. I truly felt so inadequate to do this work, and I was getting homesick real quick. It wasn't until Sunday night that everything suddenly turned around! Long story short, we went to see a 15 year old investigator. His dad does NOT approve of us coming to talk with his son, so instead of calling ahead, we just stopped by. The mom answered the door and happily let us in! We were having such a good discussion with Joe (the investigator) and the spirit was so strong, and then BOOM! Dad storms down stairs saying, "Oh hello! Joe failed to tell me you were coming this evening!" Immediately I was like, "Oh he didn't know! I'm new to the area and Sister Lewis was just showing me around. We thought we'd stop by and introduce myself!" He firmly shook our hands and sat at the table. "So Joe! What have you learned that you didn't already know??" Poor Joe. I felt so bad. He told his dad some things we had discussed and we ended up having a super long lesson with his dad! By the end of the night, his dad asked if we could end with prayer! Um of course we can!? So get this. In his prayer he asked if the Lord would, "Plant the seeds that these sweet sisters have planted, and bless them to grow"..... um sir.... do you know what you just asked for?? hahah YES!!! What began as a super intense, 'get out of my house' ended to be a confident hand shake with the dad saying, "Thank you Sister Chandler!" and then we were invited over for dinner.
Miracles happen.
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It rained all day and the clouds in the evening looked like mountains!! So beautiful! |
Another lady we are teaching is super faithful! She is a single mom, currently unemloyed, and possesses an ENORMOUS amount of faith!! She warned us that if we were trying to convert her, we were waisting our time. But I just told her we would love to simply talk about Jesus Christ and the blessings we notice day by day. Nailed it. She called us the next day and said, "Can you come over toady?? I just loved the verse you shared with me, and I feel like God is keeping me unemployed so that I can grow closer to Him. I feel like He sent you to me". WHAT?! Is this real life?! She talked about her blessings, and we always have awesome conversations with her! I love her. I love our investigators so much! This gospel is true! Everybody needs the fullness of the gospel and that is why I am on a mission. I love being a missionary :) We have a lesson scheduled on Saturday with her and her boyfriend! Hopefully we will be able to help him too.
After a member lesson the other night, we got a phone call from a lady we barely know saying, "I am interested in your religion and would love to learn more! Can I feed you dinner and if you teach me??" YES! Of course! :) I love being a missionary! My frist week was rough, but the blessings and miracles that come from diligently working are amazing. I love my savior.
Entertaining fun fact: We have an investigator who prays to his cats. This will be fun.
OH. My. Gosh. On wednesday it was Centrevill Day, so a ton of booths are set up and we had one! A lady made the DC temple out of PAPER!! It was amazing. Anyway, great missionary opportunity!
My companion and I passed by an Islamic booth and a guy there was like, "sisters! sisters! Do you know a sister Jordan?? She taught me in 2008ish. I want to talk to you!" SWEET! we thought. We are always all about helping and teaching others! Well, this guy with a massive beard looked us dead in the eyes and said, "Sisters. I'm sorry. I'm sorry but you're wrong. My religion is true! I'm sorry. The only prophet since Jesus Christ is Mohammad, and you need to read the Quaran!" He told me I believed in polagmy? haha I was like, "Woah! No we don't. We do not support polagmy whatsoever" and he was like, "yes you do!" ...... okay? I was baffeled that he would tell me what I believe? Like.. what?? That was so interesting. Weirdest conversation I've ever had.
The elders in my district are awesome! They all have girlfriends so there isn't any like... weird caution that typically you get around elders. They made me cookies and made me a welcome card! So nice! We can't say we love elders, so we say we have charity for them :) haha
Sister Chandler
Ps. There is an elder Chan here, and I totally thought of you Katy because of our nicknames... k-chan... k-fur... ya. idk. I thought it was cool :) hahah
pps. We have a sweet car! It's a 2014!

The houses here are MANSIONS!! I kid you not, my jaw drops, literally, like every day. It's insanity. The weather is humid, but not too bad in the fall. It's pointless to straighten my hair though because it just gets wavy and volumous. Super cute. ;)
I can wear maxi skirts here! So mom, in the spring time, hit me up. Also, the day I met my trainer we watched Meet the Mormons as a mission the day before it came out in theaters! We felt cool. If you haven't seen it I recccommend doing so! :)
I love being a missionary :) Absolutely love it. I love serving the people of Virginia and bringing them closer to their Savior. This gospel is true. There is a true and living prophet on the earth this day who leads and guides us by direct revelation from God. I am a representative of Jesus Christ. I wear his name on my shirt every day! I literally have taken his name upon me. I will always stand firm in what I know to be true, and I will always do my best to bring the lost sheep back into the fold. Heavenly Father loves His children! A lot of people around here don't believe in God, or that He exists at all! So sad. I love being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
I love being a missionary :) Absolutely love it. I love serving the people of Virginia and bringing them closer to their Savior. This gospel is true. There is a true and living prophet on the earth this day who leads and guides us by direct revelation from God. I am a representative of Jesus Christ. I wear his name on my shirt every day! I literally have taken his name upon me. I will always stand firm in what I know to be true, and I will always do my best to bring the lost sheep back into the fold. Heavenly Father loves His children! A lot of people around here don't believe in God, or that He exists at all! So sad. I love being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
I miss my family always! And my best friend. And my missionary, but it'll all be worth it in the end :) (The date I am to return home is April 15, 2016!!) I hope you all stay safe and have a wonderful week! :) Thanks for the love and support :)
Sister Chandler
pps. We have a sweet car! It's a 2014!
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