
Monday, November 24, 2014

Week 7: Everyone can be a missionary. Be Bold!

It feels like I've been out here for 6 months, but at the same time 2 months flew by!! :)

On Monday we taught a family home evening lesson with a member who's house is MASSIVE. Their home has 8 living rooms and about 3-4 kitchens. So many tv's and dear goodness it's so big! The owner is a convert and is a rockstar member missionary! She invited one of her friends (who isn't of our faith) over to hear the lesson! We taught the plan of salvation, and when we were wrapping up towards the end, I asked if she would be interested in hearing more about the gospel of Jesus Christ. My companion looked at me like, "what are you doing?!" Because later I found out that sister Lewis wasn't planning on that, so she thought I was crazy, butthe woman said, "yeah, I'd like that :)".

Tuesday night we had a lesson with L and J who are very logical and scientific. They struggle with faith, and tend to go off on different subjects during the lesson, but they're way sweet! We decided to have a lesson with them in a member's home, where the husband is also scientific and logical. That was a big help, and the spirit was way strong! :)

We had our last district meeting before transfers (sister Lewis stayed) so we took pictures with our district.

On Saturday we moved a sister into her new home! That meant PANTS ALL DAY!!! So great :)

They had stake conference over here this weekend, and Saturday night
was AMAZING! They talked so much about missionary work, and how
everyone can do it. Whether you are wearing a name tag or not, it is
your duty to share the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. It was sweet
though because it was interactive. We got to send a scripture that we
liked (with our thoughts about it) to a certain number or email and
they would appear on the projector so everyone could read them. The
stake president would ask a question and people would be given a
microphone to answer when they raised their hand.

One young woman who is a junior in high school gave a talk and said
that she wrote her testimony in a Book of Mormon and slipped it in her
best friends bag at school one day. She didn't even have to talk to
her friend, and she still did her part in sharing the gospel. EVERYONE

I am a bold missionary. I do not fear in asking people to read the
Book of Mormon, or pray, or if they're religious or not. I do not
hesitate to share my testimony of Jesus Christ because the restored
gospel is not anything to be ashamed of! We have something precious
and good as members of the church; we mustn't be shy or hesitant to
share it! We are asked to be bold, but loving, because bold without
love doesn't work. I love my savior, Jesus Christ. I know that the
church he established when he was on the earth is yet again restored
to the earth in its fullness because of Joseph Smith. That same power
that Christ used to perform miracles is once again on the earth, and
we DO have a living prophet on the earth TODAY who receives direct
revelation from God to lead His children on the earth in these modern
times. I know this because I have prayed about it, and I invite you to
do the same, to know for yourself. This isn't the Church of Joseph
Smith, or the Church of Thomas S. Monson (the prophet today). This is
The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, because Christ is the
head of our church.


1. We are making pies with one of our favorite members in
the morning, and eating dinner with a member family at 4, but didn't
really know what to do with the rest of the night.

2. Sometimes you have days where you really don't want to be a missionary
anymore. I've had my fair share of those days, and one day this week
sister Lewis wasn't feeling it. Luckily I was though! I knew we needed
to find someone to talk to that night but didn't know who. We pulled
into the church parking lot, said a prayer, and looked through the
names of potentials/investigators/members. I came across Joe, the boy
we went to visit when I first got in the field and his dad wasn't very
happy at first. Though it's a 30 minute drive, it felt good. So we
went. He wasn't home but we talked to his parents on the doorstep,
just catching up. The dad then asked what we were doing for
thanksgiving! He asked if we got to spend it with our families... No
:( so they invited us to eat with them! That's why we felt the need to
drive all the way out there that night :) Heavenly Father knows best,
and the spirit never leads us astray as long as we listen :)

I am so thankful to be a missionary :)

Fun fact: my sweet companion has a bad habit. Whenever she opens anything (chips, the bread bag, a cupboard, a jar, etc.), she NEVER closes it or puts it away. It doesn't bother me, surprisingly, but I like to point it out to her every time so that one day she will change this habit :) anyway, this morning I left out the syrup because we made pancakes for breakfast, and she thought it would be funny to say something to me about it :) so she did and on her way to put it where it goes, she smacked it against the cupboard door (that she left open)and put a big hole in the bottom of the syrup, and then sat there in shock as it gushed out onto the floor! Good thing we are both pretty laid back people, so we just cracked up laughing. And THEN after she throws it away, so gets a plastic spoon to scoop it up hahah :)I took pictures of the moment for the memory :) we have great fun ;)

Thanks for the updates! I love emails and letters! 

Sister Chandler :)

Ps. Christmas lights are my FAVORITE and they are already being out up
on trees, so this made me happy :)

Monday, November 17, 2014

Week Six: Frozen

Hello! :)
Sister Lewis and I were waiting for the elders because we went on another blitz, but while we waited, 
we sang along to the music in the car and made a video. So here are some screen shots of that video :) 

How is everyone?

I can't believe it SNOWED over there!!? What?!? It's still fall over here. Cold, but not snowing. I can picture my mother sitting by the heater in socks, a hoodie, and still eating her crushed ice :) hahah that's my mama!! :) 

My week was pretty good! We haven't been allowed to do any activities with the elders for a few months, but they okayed it again so on Monday sister Lewis and I played ultimate frisbe with our zone! That was so fun!! Much needed :) 

That same night we watched the restoration video with C! She made my favorite brownies with ice cream so it was a good night :) after watching that video, my heart was overwhelmed with gratitude for Joseph Smith. He went through so much torture and persecution for the sake of the gospel. Did you know Joseph Smith only had the education of a 3rd grader? Often people here think he wrote the Book of Mormon, but there is no way on earth he could have done so! The Book of Mormon is a record of ancient writings from prophets in the Americas. The language on those plates was ancient Egyptian! Joseph Smith didn't write the Book of Mormon. He translated it by the power of God :) If you haven't watched that video in some time, I recommend doing so! 

The next day we got with some elders in our district and chalked the plan of salvation!! While doing so, a man pulled up to me and asked what we were doing. I told him we were simply, "chalking the plan of salvation!" :) he was like, "why are you doing this? We have kids that walk here after school to get home, and this will just cause questions. Can't you just go to houses instead of this? People live around here and you don't need to do this". I was at a loss for words and felt alone. I hate contention and forgot that there were 3 other missionaries standing along the side walk with me. Thankfully Elder McDonald had my back and helped me out. We weren't doing anything wrong. The man didn't even know what it is that we were drawing! Nor did he have an interest in learning. Sometimes I think if people would just listen, then they wouldn't be offended. He left and we kept on chalkin :) the truthfulness of the gospel WILL be spread throughout the world somehow, if not on the sidewalk of a neighborhood :) 

This week in the mail I received letters from the activity day girls in my home Ward!! Here were a couple of my favorites:
"I hope you're making friends over there"
"Have a fun time on your trip!"
"I hope you don't get too cold. Good thing your spirit is so warm." Hahah that was my personal favorite ;) 

Our house was FREEZING on Friday! It was cold outside and couldn't figure out why it was so cold in our apartment. So for studies we just put long fuzzy socks on with a long sleeve shirt and our skirts and wrapped up in blankets. Then I got cookies in a package from my grandma!! Woohoo!! :) anyway, I went to see if the heat was on and turns out the AC was on.... Nice. No wonder we were freezing! hahaha whoops :) 

We went tracting Saturday night. One guy opened the door and said, "elders!" Hahah nope :) try again ;) it was so cold. My toes were frozen and my lips became numb, so forming words quickly became difficult, but we kept going! and we were happy :) 

Sister Lewis sang at a fireside last night where new members tell their stories and share their testimonies. That was so wonderful!! I was grateful to be able to hear those :)

I ate a hen for dinner at a member's home, and it looked like they do on tv! It was good :)

I am thankful for all of my many many blessings! Thanks for keeping me in the loop :) 

Sister Chandler

Monday, November 10, 2014

Week Five: Becoming a Consecrated Misssionary

Hello :)
Sister Lewis and I watched an hour and a half of missionary videos
(because we had to) so we grabbed our pillows and got comfortable :)
these pictures capture the moment :)

This week we had zone conference! At every zone conference, the person with the cleanest car inside and out gets to choose the car (out of every missionary's car in the zone) that they want! Our car was the coveted car, and we didn't want to lose it so we went so far as to hand wax it, and definitely took it to the car wash guys so they could vacuum it out. That's not cheating, don't worry, WE WON :) just look at that shine! You could see your reflection!

At zone conference, President Riggs and his wife talked to us, mainly for the purpose of teaching new ways for us to teach, and to fill our spiritual tank. I took good notes and wanted to share a few good phrases that were said:
  • Nothing can stop the work. No matter how discouraged you may get, or if you want to quit, the work will continue. The gospel of Jesus Christ will be spread throughout all nations, to every person and what an adventure and privilege it is to be apart of that!!  
  • Accept others agency, but use yours to continue to teach. Everyone has the ability to choose for themselves, and nobody has to accept what we teach them, so when they choose not to listen or learn more, we (as missionaries or anyone with the knowledge of the gospel) need to use our agency to choose to brush it off and knock on more doors. Find more people. Teach everyone!
  • You cannot get a 1 million dollar answer for a 5 cent prayer. Prayers need to be sincere and with real intent - meaning you will act on whatever God tells you to do in order to get an effective answer from the Lord.
  • Part time Christians cannot overcome full time Devils 
  • Have you prayed about it as much as you've talked about it?
I also read a talk entitled, "Becoming a Consecrated Missionary" by Tad R. Callister, Sunday School General President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. A consecrated missionary is someone who is willing to lay everything on the alter of sacrifice. This means your fears, pride, laziness, weaknesses, and disobedience can't hold you back from spreading this glad message! You can't keep one foot at home and the other in the mission.

Nephi is a prophet in the Book of Mormon who felt that the power of man was inconsequential. It was only the Lords power that counted. I hope to grow to have that much faith and trust in the lord. Another prophet in the Book of Mormon, Mosiah, (chapter 4 vs.19) states, "and now, if ye believe all these things, see that ye do them". Eventually we must do more than tell the stories of the Book of Mormon; WE MUST LIVE THEM.

As for the rest of my week... We had 5 people drop us, and almost all lessons canceled. We really felt and followed the spirit really well! We found 2 families, but they used their agency and chose not to listen. Sometimes the spirit will lead you somewhere and it all looks really good until the next day when the people call you and say never mind. That doesn't mean we didn't follow the spirit, or hear him right, it just means we did what we were supposed to and if anything we planted seeds. I love being a missionary!! Despite the drops and cancellations, we didn't feel the drag of them. This week actually flew by, and we constantly counted our blessings :)

One of those blessings is C!! She is getting baptized on the first or second Saturday of December. My favorite part of a mission is watching the gospel of Jesus Christ change lives. As a missionary, all we can do is teach what we know to be true, and the spirit of God is the one who testifies of truth. We can't force anyone to believe what we are telling them; it's their choice, and when they choose to listen and act, miracles happen :)

[Sister Lewis said I sleep walk!?  ...This is new!!]

TRANSFERS: Everyone keeps asking me about it so I'll tell you what I know. They are on the week before Thanksgiving. The zone leaders said they are confident that I am ready to take over the area (what?!?) which means I'll get a new companion and be the driver/person in charge. BUT Sister Lewis wants to stay for the holidays and she also is not done training me, so technically we should have 6 more weeks together after this transfer. Regardless of what happens to her; whether she stays or goes, I will be staying, so my address will be the same until January.

Fun fact: squirrels and wild bunnies are common here!! Like, we see them on a daily basis :)

A family took us out to eat at Texas Road House on Friday for dinner and that was weird!!! It felt so weird to be surrounded with TVs and so much business.

This week was spiritually uplifting and I am really working on becoming a consecrated missionary:) thank you for the
emails/letters/love!! :)

The picture of the clouds is cool because they looked like a painting!

I hope all is well with everyone!! :) God is good and I love being a missionary!! :)

Sister Chandler

Monday, November 3, 2014

Week Four: Baptism, Bugs, & the Atonement

Oh my dear goodness this week was full of hilarious/weird/sad/heart warming experiences. Let me just share a few :)

On Monday we invited C to be baptized! She said... YES :) She is praying for a date and so are we! She will be baptized before the end of the year and that makes us SO excited! :) We teach her again tonight :)

We taught a lady who was basically raised in the church, but less active. She doesn't see the point in coming to church, though we've discussed it with her multiple times. Then! We brought up baptism this week and she was like, "I don't know if you guys know this but my son (who is 10 yrs old) was already baptized. Sister Lewis and I go, "Oh! That's so great!" Then this lady says, "Yeah, I baptized all my kids when they were two in the catholic church to protect them. So they already have the holy spirit with them!" She gets offended super easily though so we aren't really sure how to approach this one yet haha :)

On Wednesday we ate dinner at a member's home and GUESS WHAT?? Her little girl's name was Evelyn, dinner was the same homemade chicken noodle soup that my mama makes, and for dessert, we had apples and caramel (which is my favorite snack). This totally felt like home. I loved it :) 

We had exchanges this week, which is where my companion spends a day and night with one sister training leader, and her companion comes to stay with me! We had no such luck teaching anyone that day, but I learned a lot from her and it was a really really nice opportunity :) 

Also, can I just say that I pretty much died this week doing service?? One woman needed help cleaning her house (which is the size of my living room). There was trash (like wrappers, empty McDonalds bags, empty bottles, etc.) scattered throughout the entire room. There were BUGS EVERYWHERE; inside the trash cans, around cups, flying around my face the whole time... and the dust was awful. We dusted a dresser and found a dead bug on it! hahaha oh my gosh it was so gross, but we were glad to help. I asked if she had a vacuum but she didn't know, and I said, "Oh, we will find one before we leave this place". So we did... but it didn't have a big attatchment like most vacuums do, so I totally just vacuumed the entire floor with the little hose thing! Yep. Im a beast. 

Also, as I was putting her laundry away, I smacked my head super hard on the closet door because someone said my name and I whipped around too fast to realize that I was too close to the door... ya ouch. haha I almost cried but I'm a big girl so I held it in ;) 

The people over here are filthy rich. Filthy. Rich. So for Halloween, we got together as a zone and went to this guy's house who is in my ward and has a theater in his home. Literally.... a theater. He bought us pizza and we got to watch two movies!! Space Jam and Dispicable Me 2 (boys picked these.. clearly). Sisters and Elders aren't allowed to play games together, but Halloween was an exception, so we played Uno and I won a few times! Still got it :)

Saturday morning was SO fun because my district (who is like family) helped a family move out, and at one point they needed me to stand on some furniture so I could shove things in the back; I was the only one small enough to fit. (I have a picture and it'll make more sense when you see it). It was super cold though!! It's getting pretty chilly over here :) That night we went on a blitz which is where everyone in your district gets together and knocks doors in a big appartment complex, or in a big neighborhood. Sister Lewis and I had some funny experiences :) 

**Side Note: The town houses here are like the ones in San Fransisco; pretty much glued together and built upward instead of outward.**

1. We knocked one door and this old Chinese guy barely opened his window above the door and yelled, "What do you want?". Sister Lewis was like, "We just want to talk about God!" but he didn't hear so he asked, "What?" Then I was like, "We just..... wanna ask you a question! What are you thankful for?" but then he said, "No no, not interested". Obviously he isn't very thankful for anything.

2. We knocked a door and this little boy opens. "Oh hey! Come on in!" he says hahaha :) So cute! We didn't, but we asked if his mom or dad was home. Two guys came to the door, one looked about our age and the other was definitely in his 30's. Long story short, the 30 year old is from Portugal so I was like, "Oh my gosh! No way! My dad lived there for 2 years!" Then we started talking about families and we told them that we believe families can be together forever. Immediately he goes, "Ugh I hope not". People here seriously do not like their families! haha Every time we say that, they always groan like that's an awful idea!? Before we left this door, we got a return appointment but we are pretty sure the kid is more interested in us than he is in learning the gospel, so we are going to send the elders over instead. Surprise! :) 

3. We saw 2 foxes sprint out of a bush! I've never seen a fox in person before so I was excited :) 

4. This was a super windy, cold night so we went to get hot chocolate before we went home. We went to Starbucks and the guy I ordered my hot chocolate from was like, ".... Hot chocolate?" As if he wasn't sure if I meant what I said. I feel like a foreigner sometimes :P 

I was pretty sick yesterday :( I felt like I had the flu, so I slept for 2 hours and flet soooo much better! We taught a really good lesson that night. We have a ton of things planned for this week and we are praying they all go through! I love being a missionary :) 

I told my grandma this last week, but when I think of the Atonement, I tend to automatically think that Christ was like a super hero and didn't feel the pains of the things He went through, too much. But then I sit back and remember that He was just like you and I. He was human, too and felt everything. He bled from every pore... do you know how many pores you have? A lot. I am so grateful for my Savior. He literally saved me, and continues to do so. So many things are possible because of Him! The hymn, "I Stand All Amazed" is basically exactly how I feel towards the Atonement. God is so good :) 

Im grateful to be out on a mission! J is the faithful woman whom we dropped because she dropped us, and I sent her a letter because one of the first times we met with her, we discussed how fun it was to receive a letter! She said shes never got one before, so I promissed I would write her one. Anyway, I did just that last week, and today she texted us super nice things! Which is a miracle because she's been ignoring us! Letters are the best :) 

I hope everyone is having such a good week, and SHOUT OUT TO MY BEST FRIEND WHO TURNED 18 ON SUNDAY!!!!! I hope it was the best weekend ever :) (as much as it can be without me) ;) I miss everyone so much, but I love it out here all at the same time :) Thanks for the emails and prayers! :)
Sister Chandler

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Serving with a Smile

Dear Missionary Moms,
I am Sister Walter, a ward missionary serving with your daughters in DC. 
 I love and respect them so much. You have such reason to be so proud of the young women you have raised. Thank you for sending such faithful, articulate, prepared young women to serve. This is a picture of them with J---, the man they have been teaching.