Hello beautiful faces! :)
**SHOUT OUT to my best friend in the whole wide world, Katy, who is
leaving to the MTC this week!!! You're going to be a phenomenal
missionary and I am SO excited for you :) Also, we are going to be 8
hours apart driving distance, and just the simple thought of that
makes me even more excited :) Even though that doesn't really mean
anything :P you're going to be amazing :) go kill it :)
I had quite the busy week! It began with my doctors appointment early
Monday morning where I learned of the 3 stress fractures in my leg,
and crutches/a scooter became my new best friends for the next 7
weeks. Hopefully not longer :)
We went to a zone activity but it was
outside, and it was raining, and it's freezing, and I couldn't
participate in any of the games, so I stood by a fire :) Our evening
was beautiful!
We had a lesson with the Cks :) The spirit is
incredibly strong each time we teach them, and every word is
definitely guided by it. I burst with love and gratitude every time I
even THINK about this family! I love being a missionary :)
District meeting on Tuesday was yet another revelatory experience! We
had 15 minutes to study a Christ-like attribute; I chose faith and
hope. It was awesome!
Afterwards we had exchanges and I went to
warrenton with sister lemmons! Remember when it poured rain that one
day, and I sent pictures of us soaked?? That was with sister lemmons
:) she was having a really hard time, and not feeling well, so it was
a slow night. We did a lot of mini exchanging throughout the night
because she and her companion had to go to an appointment in the
middle of the exchange, so really I spent most of the night with my
companion :) which rocked :) but then went back and stayed the night
with sister lemmons. It was so complicated, but beneficial for both
parties! A lot of the things that were bothering her were things I had
just gotten over 3 days prior, so it was super neat to see how the
lord prepared me to help her :)
This whole, not being able to do cardio in the mornings thing, is killer!
I'm dying. 1 week down, 6 minimum to go!
Wednesday was fun! :) I had the opportunity to go to district meeting
with sister lemmons. We exchanged back afterward and had our last
lesson with the Ck family before their interviews! Once again, it
was amazing. Afterward we went to see a less active whom we haven't
seen since sister Donato left! This is the insanely busy sister who
has zero time to do anything but eat, sleep, and work. Finally we saw
her, watched the new Christmas video with her, and she said she was
going to come to church on Sunday! Whoop whoop! :) it was a good day
Thursday was the BEST DAY EVER!! Really it just got the ball rolling
because every day from there on out was amazing :) We began the day
with the leadership of the mission and a couple brethren from salt
lake. We had a training with them from 9-4; so, most of our day. You
know the mission videos, "The district"? Well the mission president of
the missionaries in "The District 2" was one of the brethren that
spent the day with us! It was the most revelatory experience I've had
in a very long time. We talked a lot about effective planning, and
teaching simply. I loved it!
Right after that we had dinner with a part member family who invited
us back on Saturday for dinner and to help them decorate their
Christmas tree!!!! Oh I cannot tell you how excited I was to decorate
a tree. That's my favorite part of Christmas :)
when we got done at their home, we went straight to the church where the Cks were being
interviewed for baptism! It went SO good!! :) THEN we had correlation
where we talk about who we are working with and how we can involve the
ward. It was so cool because instead of that, the only ward missionary
that showed up ended up really needing us that night. He expressed his
desire and sincere need of help to overcome his natural man. He's
questioning a lot, and recognizes something isn't right, so he
expressed his feelings to us and the whole time we were just guided by
the spirit in every response. The trick is to listen. To the person we
are talking to, and to the spirit. We helped him remember to focus on
what he DOES know, and we will help him through his concerns. It was
such a wonderful experience. As we sat there I thought, "This is why I
am on a mission". I can't get over it. I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!!!!
**Funny story of the week::
Our apartment complex sent out a letter earlier in the week informing
everyone that there had been a leak in the water system, and the water
throughout the entire building would be turned off at 9pm Thursday
night. Knowing this, we filled our sink with water right before we
left for dinner so that we had some to use to like... Wash our face,
brush our teeth, wash our hands, etc. well, when we got home we joked
about how funny it would be if the water had drained.
It was even more hilarious when we looked and it actually was drained.
Luckily, I have a billion water bottles.... But all of them were
empty. Except for one! Which happened to be the biggest one! It was
so. hard. to wash my face/hands with a water bottle! I thought of the
people way back when who didn't ever grow up with running water, and
felt like they would get a good laugh at how pathetic I probably
looked as I tried to figure out how to go about my nightly routine :)
Friday was one of the busiest days of the week! We had so much to do
to prepare for the baptism. Our ward mission leader had been in
Thailand for a couple weeks for work, and helped with what he could,
but he didn't get home until the baptism was actually happening so we
did most of it :) we were a little stressed, but it went well! It
takes two hours to fill the font, so we had to do that and stay at the
church while it filled :) it was fun! The water wasn't warming up
though and it was almost full, so we said a prayer, and when we went
to check it again it was super warm! God is real :)
Ce was SO cute!! She was so excited :) I'm really glad we did
hers on a different day. I can't pin point an exact reason why, but it
felt right :)
When that was over we went to dinner with a Cambodian family. Sister
Williams ate a lot and won their hearts over :) haha it was so funny!
Also, we can never understand their English, so before we went inside
we prayed hard to be able to understand them in order to hold a
descent conversation. We understood every single word the entire night! It was the coolest
thing! They're pretty hilarious people when you understand what
they're saying :) haha
Dn and Ty were baptized Saturday morning :)
Oh. My. Gosh. Sister Williams and I just wanted to cry the entire
time. The spirit was the strongest I've ever felt it on my mission,
especially as Dn (the dad) was immersed into the water. Three non
members attended, and one woman stayed for 45 minutes after talking to
us and the stake president, as well as Dn and Ty because she is
investigating and seriously wanting to find the true church of God. It
was the coolest experience!! Also, Ty brought a friend who isn't a
member and was also interested in taking the discussions. My heart is
incredibly full :) that whole day was so amazing :)
We spent the rest of the day, until dinner, weekly planning. It was so
productive!! Dinner was with the part member family, and we helped
them decorate their Christmas tree!! It was so fun!! :)

We know that baptism isn't complete until we receive the gift of the
Holy Ghost, so that's what happened on Sunday :) during Sunday school,
Dn turned to his wife with the biggest grin on his face and said,
"I am SO excited to be in this ward!!" :) it was adorable hahah :)
I had a meeting with my mission president right after church, so we had
to leave a little early. After that, we went to dinner with the Ck
family! I should just title this email, "The Cks".... I probably
will :) The grandma is married to a man from the Middle East, so we
had middle eastern food and it was pretty good!
When I was talking with my mission president, he informed me that I am
going to be transferred :( SAD. DAY. Especially considering its right
before Christmas. So hold on to your letters and packages until
Thursday :)
Can we take a moment to ponder in awe that I only have 3 transfers
left. That's like, 18 weeks. What. Except probably 19 because my last
transfer is a 7 week transfer. But still, what the even heck??
Life as a missionary is kind of insane. Your body does weird things,
stress levels move like a roller coaster, and you grow an incredible
amount in such a short period of time. Missions are hard, but I love
it so much. Every day I'm full of gratitude for this experience and
for the opportunity that I have to be here at this time of my life.
Just as I am sent here because certain people need me, I definitely
need the people I've met; My companion being one of them. There is NO
way I would have been able to do the past 6 weeks without her! Sister
Williams is a wonderful, hard working, charitable individual and I am
beyond bummed that we won't be together for 6 more weeks. I know;
however, that wherever I go and whoever I'm going to be with next is
exactly what the Lord would have happen so that I can be happy and
progress :)
I know that my father in heaven is so aware of each one of His
children. That means you. I know that Jesus Christ was born, and
lived, and died, so that we could return to live with our God again.
He is the prime example of charity, service, gratitude, and patience;
everything this Christmas season is about! I love my maker :)
Have a great week!! Thank you for your prayers and support! I feel it.
I love you. Fractures can't stop this girl ;)
Sister Chandler