Okay. So I had this email all written
down ready to send by the end of the day yesterday, and then the spirit overwhelmed
my entire being while pondering the events that took place this week. So, I
erased it and started over! This one will be directed by the spirit, and I hope
you gain something from it. I have never been so on fire as I am right now, and
have been since Saturday :)
I thought missionaries were like people with super powers
and never faced trials or temptations. When I heard people say that missions were
hard, I always wondered what on earth could be hard about a mission; I can
handle rejection, but I guess some people struggle in that area.
After being on a mission for 14 months, I came to the realization
that overcoming the natural man, and all of your weaknesses is HARD. You live
on a higher plane than the rest of the world when you're set apart as a
missionary! We don't watch TV, the only social media we are connected to is
Facebook and even then we aren't on it very much. We only listen to music that
is uplifting and invites the spirit, our language is advanced in comparison to
high school and worldly lingo, we pray before we go/think/do/eat anything, we
feast upon the words of the prophets- ancient and modern- every single day for
2 hours minimum! Adjusting to this higher level of spirituality and life in
general is a struggle! At least for me it was. Eventually it becomes your way
of life and feels like the only kind of lifestyle you know how to live. What
even is life like when you're not a missionary?? What did I do before my
So as time goes on, you get the hang of things! As you get
stronger and your testimony grows, the Lord sees that you're ready for more
growth! In other words, you're ready for a trial. Now, I know that we won't be
tempted above that which we can bear, and I know that our trials won't be harder
than we can handle, but in the middle of the dark tunnel it's so hard to see
the light. Before my mission I was in that dark tunnel of growth, and when it went
away, the Lord saw fit to strengthen me further!
I've been facing an ongoing trial for the past 14 months and
it's been a roller coaster of trying and failing and trying and failing to
overcome it. On top of that, Sister Williams and I have been facing loads of
opposition for the past 3 weeks that hinder our effectiveness when it comes to
the work. My temporal, spiritual, mental, and physical self was exhausted. I felt
weak in all of those areas and... Melancholy. Saturday afternoon I finally
broke. I was so incredibly fed up with feeling the way I've been feeling my entire
mission off and on. I said the longest prayer I've ever said in my life! You
know in the Book of Mormon when Enos prays all day and wrestles with God? I
totally had an Enos moment! I was filled with frustration and irritation, and
then the thought came to me... "You're the idiot trying to do this by
yourself". I realized in that moment that I hadn't been applying the
atonement in my daily life; I haven't been holding the hand that has been
continuously outstretched in my direction for so long. I don't have to do this
life alone! I've always known that, but when you actually realize it and let it
sink in, you truly understand and feel the truthfulness of it.

My whole life my parents have been my best friends. Best.
Friends. I used to come home almost every night and stay up for hours talking to
my dad about everything from pointless to important. My parents have always
been my number one fans in ALL that I've done. I know that I can do anything I
set my mind to if I try and do my part because Heavenly Father will do His part
- they taught me this principle at a young age and I've always believed it
whole heatedly. I do not give up until I master whatever it may be that I'm
trying to accomplish, because I KNOW that I can do it! On my mission I can't
turn to my parents the way I could if I was home, or able to call them on the
phone. I can't have late night chats with my dad anymore, or hear the pep talks
I need to move forward. I have learned, especially last Saturday, that I need
to turn to Heavenly Father for late night chats. I need to hear and feel HIS
pep talks, hold HIS hand, and develop the relationship that I have with my parents,
with HIM. I'm close to the savior and my Heavenly Father, but not as close as I
know I could/need to be.

Since my wrestle with God, I've imagined every single day
literally holding the savior's hand through all things. Tightly. I've also
learned through multiple experiences throughout the past 3 weeks, that Satan
does NOT want me to learn these things. My spiritual eyes have been in a fog
that I've been trying to push through, and finally it's all clear again! I can
see the hand of the Lord in all the details of this transfer. I can see why
Satan is working so hard to create that fog and hold us back. Together, Sister Williams
and I are bomb. I've never had a companionship like this before, and when we
are both having a good, healthy day, we sprint. We do work, and the devil does
not want that! We literally feel it every day! This area is booming. If we are
down and sick and foggy, we can't be as effective as the Lord needs us to be. For
some reason it's taken us 3 weeks to realize how real the adversary is, and how
real Heavenly Father is. Finally we are both back on our feet, ready more than
ever to take off. We are on fire. I don't know if any of that made sense, but
it does in my head :)
I could tell you about the details of every day this week,
but I don't feel the need to today. The Clark family is so ready to be
baptized, and they're progressing every single day :) We have a potential investigator
who wants SO badly to take the lessons and get baptized but her grandmother
(who is her guardian) isn't on the same page. Prayers to soften the grandma's heart would be great! The
work is hastening like mad over in Gainesville. We have like, 7 referrals from the
members and each referral is prepared. I pray that I get to stay here for one
more transfer. The likely hood of that happening is 50-50, and I'll do whatever
the Lord needs me to do.... but I'm throwin' a request His way to keep me here for 9 more weeks
instead of 3 ;)
We had a service project with our district raking leaves in
a massive yard this week! It was raining the whole time so we were soaked and muddy;
that being said, we decided it would be fine to build huge piles of leaves to
jump in. It was so much fun :)
Also, when we went to the zoo last week, we got on the steepest escalator I've ever been on!
I love you! This was a wonderful week and I know there are
more like it ahead :) I am so happy! :) Speaking of which... Happy
Eat tons and remember to be grateful even when it's not
thanksgiving :)
Sister Kailey
PS. I get my MRI tomorrow evening, and it also happens to be
the day that marks 14 months from the MTC! Where has time gone?!
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