Hello! :)
I apologize (mostly to my mother) for the lack of words sent home the past couple weeks! I know it's like a drought in a desert, so I'll do my best to quench your thirst today :)
This week was proof that miracles happen when we endure and press forward with faith. It started off with L on Monday. L was the referral from head quarters a little over a month ago who asked for a bible. This was with sister Lewis, and we were never able to catch her at a good time. We would set up appointments but something would come up. Nevertheless, we persisted!! :)
Finally, we brought a member with us and the appointment followed through. L is a mother of 4 or 5 little kids with a military husband who won't be home until summer. She has been through a lot of terrible things... You name it, she's experienced it. SHE NEEDS THIS GOSPEL!! Everyone does, but she REALLY does.
She said she got so desperate for help that she heard a guy on the radio say he would pray for her, so she payed him X amount of money for him to pray for her per month. My heart broke. THEN she
said that someone told her that God is too busy to hear her problems so she doesn't ask for anything in her prayers!! Dear goodness! I'm pretty much crying inside for this woman!
Because of her questions and concerns, the lesson didn't follow a super smooth outline. It was choppy on topics but met her needs and the spirit was strong. She accepted the baptismal invite, but doesn't have a date yet because meeting with her is near impossible due to her schedule. We are shooting for the beginning of March though! Please keep her in your prayers! She is depressed and just really needs to have the time to hear the lessons. I know it will bless her life immensely. Also, she is dying to go to church!! But couldn't make it yesterday because a mechanic was working on her car and she had to be home to pay him, but she is trying! Gah I have so much love and compassion towards her! It's a blessing and a curse ;)
We met with C on Tuesday and her husband had his last interview with the bishop yesterday so we see her tomorrow and hopefully can set a date! :) it's been a looonnnggg process but worth it! She is so ready and anxious to be dunked :)
**When you have a minute, look up this talk on YouTube, "True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior" by Todd B. Parker. It's way cool :)
Wednesday and Thursday were FULL of service!! We helped a sister in our ward clean her empty house that she is moving from. So like the baseboards, windows, bathrooms, floors, doors, cupboards, etc. it was fun! :)
There was only one way to fit in this small space to wash the baseboards. |
The weather is like spring here so I didn't even need a jacket most of the week! Even this morning running to and from the gym was pretty warm! :)
Ohhhh funny story! So the hermanas we live with have had the flu all week, but we made sure to be out of the house as much as possible so we didn't get sick! I decided to fast for an investigator yesterday and felt sort of sick but just thought it was because I hadn't eaten anything all day. Turns out I worked through a fever all day! Whoops! I'm good now though :)
Sister Liu and I are doing pretty good. We are really good at companion inventory and the weeks have been going a lot smoother than the first couple. I know that I needed her as my companion though because she has taught me so many things, and I have been quite humbled throughout this transfer, which is good :) I do love and appreciate her so much despite the challenges :) transfers are on the 19th of this month, so next week. Just a heads up, and I'm most likely leaving. I'll find out for sure in a week.
This week we taught a super cool lesson that was definitely inspired! Matthew in chapter 14:24-31 talks about when Peter walked on water. My favorite word EVER in all those verses is, "immediately". Jesus stretched forth His hand IMMEDIATELY. He always does! Now when you think about your testimony and where you are in your conversion (which is a life long process), use this analogy:
In your process of conversion, what area can be strengthened? Which Peter are you? How can you improve? No matter which Peter you are, Christ has his hand reaching towards you with a smile on His face. So reach back and take advantage of His help! I attached a picture that is my all time favorite and represents this really well :)
I know that having a testimony is so important, and it's by experience that we gain one! A strengthened testimony leads to conversion which is the ultimate goal, yet like I said before, it's a life long process.
I know my savior loves me, as does my Father in Heaven. I am beyond grateful for His hand in my life and for the knowledge that I have of the gospel. Truly I don't know where I'd be without it! Everyone needs it, even if they don't think they do :) which is why we persist!
I am so grateful to be on a mission! There is nothing I'd rather be doing with my life at this point in time. The gospel blesses families! I am thankful to know that I get to be with mine forever :)
I hope you had a week as good as mine!!
Happy Valentines Day (on Saturday) <3
Love you!
Sister Chandler
Love you!
Sister Chandler
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