'Tis great to be a missionary :)
My email this week is quite lengthy, so you might want to grab a snack or something ;) But is filled with experiences that have strengthened my testimony a great deal throughout the past 7 days.
It began with your usual P-day, which was so great! We got our laundry, grocery shopping, and cleaning done before we emailed. Then it was time to go to dinner with a member. It was so weird how everything panned out that night; it was like Heavenly Father knew what was going to happen (of course He did) and pushed all of our plans back a little bit...
...When we went to dinner we had to park in the parking garage, and on the way out we had to pay in a machine before we could leave. So sister Morris put her credit card in the machine like it said, and it sucked it right up! The machine stole her card. We laughed so hard, and luckily we had time to kill to press the button for help and wait for a kind man to come break open the machine and get her card out :)
...We had a member lesson planned next, but she said she was going to be a little late so we waited in the car and practice taught inspired questions. The member ended up being way late though so we had to reschedule and go home. It wasn't time wasted though; we had a really good spiritual conversation that I think we both needed :) I love my companion :)
Tuesday was really productive! We took another required survey for the iPads, and had to put in all the people from the paper area book into the iPad area book. That will take a few days! Our plans for the night all fell through and because we had been inside all afternoon, we hadn't talked to anybody, and I was going stir crazy!
We checked on potentials and formers. One man happened to live on the street we were currently on, so we rang his doorbell. In the cold rain. Dedicated ;) Anyway, nobody answered so we went back to the car.
On the way to the car I glanced back and there was this old man in a bright neon orange jacket and shorts shorter than old men should wear. Or any man for that matter. He was just standing off in the distance in the rain, staring at us, and frankly creeped me out a lot, so I talked to him :) hahah The person we were looking for wasn't home, so we left and called the number we had. So weird.
We needed gas so we stopped to get some on the way home. Sister Morris was filling the tank while I sat in the car. I saw a lady at a different pump and had a constant nagging feeling from the spirit like, "go talk to her". So finally I couldn't take it anymore! I got out of the car and ran to this woman not knowing what I was going to say. The conversation went a little something like this:
"Hi! Can I show you a short video really quick?! It's about Christ in preparation for Easter! :)"
*Lady squinting at my name tag*
"Oh, I'm a missionary! I talk about Christ all the time :)"
The lady, "right now??.... Shauna do you wanna watch a video real quick?"
Lady's friend, "nah I gotta go to DC right now!"
Me, "okay! That's okay! I'll give you a card (yay for pass along cards) and you can look it up on this website! :)"
Who knows what will come of that, if anything, but I felt soooo much better after I got back in the car. Also, I realize that I could have explained who I was and what I do a lot better, but they were in a rush and that's what came out :) hahah I love being a missionary!!! :)
Wednesday morning we went to district meeting which was so great. Very spiritually filling :)
In the afternoon we put stickers on water bottles that we handed out on Friday at the metro.
Afterwards we threw some pants on and went to AFAC, the food bank place, to help out for an hour or so. Busy day!
The rest of the day was spent with members :) We continued to share the new Easter video this week, and each time we ask people what stood out to them. I love asking this because nobody has the same answer!! I learn so much from the people we teach :)
{ April Fools Anyone?}
We came home to find our bedroom completely swapped! Our beds were switched, along with the decor on the walls, our dresser was moved to the other side of the room... Almost as if everything was a mirrored version of what it originally was. Even the clothes in our closet were switched! The sisters we live with did a pretty impressive job of making everything look exactly the same, just on the other side of the room :) We forgot it was April fools :)
{ April Fools Anyone?}
We came home to find our bedroom completely swapped! Our beds were switched, along with the decor on the walls, our dresser was moved to the other side of the room... Almost as if everything was a mirrored version of what it originally was. Even the clothes in our closet were switched! The sisters we live with did a pretty impressive job of making everything look exactly the same, just on the other side of the room :) We forgot it was April fools :)
SO. We played their game and did the same thing but to their desks that they study at. The sisters we live with are nuts :) we love them, but they're so weird :) hahah they have an imaginary friend named Susan, and they blame everything on her. So on the outside of the door we taped a sign that said, "it was Susan..." Nothing crazy, but it was fun :)
Thursday was weekly planning because the rest of the weekend was jam packed! It was our last weekly planning sesh together! Sad. But life just keeps moving whether we like it or not! :/
Also, sister Morris was going to cut her hair all by herself because she was tired of her long hair, so I offered to cut it for her!! We chopped 10 inches upon her request.
Dinner that night was with a member and her roommates! One of them is eloping with a man from Syria! We talked with him and learned about his culture; I'm grateful to live in America. But it was so fun! :)
Afterwards we went to check on a former who had soooo many questions! He doesn't know how having Christ in his life can help him. I was bursting with love and boldness as we taught him the importance of Jesus Christ. Such a good lesson on that doorstep :)
I had so much energy, I wanted to talk to every single person we passed. We do that anyway, but it was different that night because I was on fire! :) I love this gospel!! :)
Friday was a blast! Let me tell you why :)
We woke up before the sun did so we could be out the door by 6am to pick up the elders in our district. We then headed to the church to pick up huge cases of water bottles to take to the metro station where we then spread out to give people pass along cards and water bottles advertising "Because He Lives".
Sister Morris and I went down under the ground where people came on and off the metro to give people these cards. One lady said, "why don't you give this to someone who hasn't been saved already". Another woman seemed really interested and after taking a couple steps away, she came back and asked if I was Mormon. Then she gave the card back. Lame sauce. One man who didn't seem like he was in a rush, approached me asking, "you seem extra happy on this gloomy day! How come??" I explained that I am always happy because I know my savior lives! He then pointed to his tie that had "God" written all over it. He took my pass along card and was excited to watch the video :) another man said in passing, "nope I'm too hungover for that!" Well thank you for your honesty sir
For some reason I find that I am more drawn to the people with head phones in, avoiding eye contact, walking fast, or on the phone. They clearly don't want to talk to me, but it makes me want to talk to them even more! So I do :)
After an hour we switched with the elders and went up to the top to find a lot of rain, and a lot of humidity. We also found a man named Tony who was handing out news papers! Tony is the coolest :) I was offered some cigarettes by a homeless man. After politely declining he said, "oh sorry, I thought you smoked"... I've never been told that before... Odd experience.
I sat on a bench by a lady waiting for the bus. I showed her the video and we started talking about life. She said, "It's funny you came to me because I was just listening to the radio talking about how we need to slow down and be in the moment". She's right! Sometimes we need to slow down and remember what really matters; family, Heavenly Father, sunsets, and Ben and Jerry :)
By the time we were done my hair appeared equivalent to Simba's from The Lion King (when he is full grown)
I was sticky, cold, wet, and didn't even care :) The best part was, we got to do it again later that night! :) My entire zone did this at multiple different metro stations that day during the busiest times of the day. So much fun :) Also, we definitely lost our car in a parking garage for a good 20 minutes. Virginia is so confusing.
We ended the night at a lesson with an investigator by sharing that Easter video and it was SO powerful! The spirit was so strong; it was a great way to top off the day :) Also, our ward is putting together a 5K on Saturday and that investigator wants to run it. So I'm running it with her :) im STOKED! :)
Saturday morning we went back to the metro! There I met Edwin. Edwin is super sweet! He has a mental illness that I can't spell to save my life, and is so genuine :) After a while of talking about missionary work and the gospel, he confessed his love for me. I asked if he wanted missionaries to come teach him and he said, "noooo I just like you!" hahah :) He also told me that God called him to be a prophet! It reminded me of conference so we talked about that, too. People are so great :)
The weather was nicer! Sunny and warm...ish... The wind was insanely strong though! I felt like I was forcing every step forward against the cold rush of air. However, no complaints; it makes for great stories :) Afterward, sister Morris and I went home to study and spiritually prepare ourselves to hear the word of God through the mouths of His chosen servants :)
General Conference is probably the
coolest experience on a mission.
Revelation flows so smoothly, questions seem to be answered in one way or another, and it's like the spirit on steroids. I absolutely LOVE how the talks are so bold lately. Partially because that's how I function, but also because sometimes we just need to hear it like it is.We spent the first session with a member, and the second with a different member :) I hope you thought of me when Elder Wilford Andersen of the 70 talked about those people you see dancing in the car ;) I am happy to say that I ALWAYS hear the music :)
Then we had dinner with another member! 'Twas a good day :)
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The Primary Children in the Stake made us Easter baskets. Mine is Harry Potter. |
{ E A S T E R }... was special this year because the meaning behind it meant a little bit more than it usually does; to me.
Elder Holland, specifically, gave a profound talk on the meaning of Easter. It opened my eyes to realize the significance of the Atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and how it applies to me every single day. I love how he stated that Easter is a "celebration of victory" over death by one man who was full of love. This was the plan from the very beginning.
A common subject I found was the explanation of the Plan of Happiness; Gods plan for His children. The gospel of Jesus Christ makes so much sense! When truly pondered and understood, it makes perfect sense.
I am grateful to have the knowledge and receive a witness by the power of the Holy Ghost that there is a living prophet on the earth this very day. He is called of God, as are 12 living apostles whom I fully sustain, and will continue to stand firm in supporting. Their words are words of warning and council from on high!
Why did I ever fall asleep during conference before my mission?! Their words are of great importance!! Sister Morris and I sat on the edge of our seats with a pen in hand, eager to write the things the spirit would teach. I am beyond thankful for the messages they delivered :)
I hope everyone had a spiritually filled Easter Sunday, and has set goals and plans to improve according to the council you've received. I can't wait to get started on mine :)
Today is Monday! Sister Morris and I think this is our last Monday together, so we are gonna go play in DC :)
Today is Monday! Sister Morris and I think this is our last Monday together, so we are gonna go play in DC :)
When we went grocery shopping this morning, on our way to the car a guy stopped us and said, "excuse me can I ask you a question? You said hi to me earlier... I was just wondering who you work for? Like... Why?"
We smiled and explained that we were missionaries and teach about Gods plan for us. We asked if he wanted to learn and he said yes! He lives in DC, so we will have to refer him over there, but it was a neat experience :)
I hope everyone has such a great week full of joy and sunshine :) it's supposed to be beautiful over here; it is today so cross your fingers!! :)
Love you!!
Sister Kailey
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