I hope all is well with everyone! I had a pretty good week :)
Monday was fun!
- We played sand volleyball and threw a football around, which made me smile because it brought back memories of throwing one back and forth to my dad in the summer :)
- When that was over, we went to dinner and then we went to a potentials house! His friend was there instead, and we learned that he has had all of the lessons a few times; he just doesn't have the desire to do anything with the knowledge that he has. Sad :( but it was a good conversation! We had him find his Book of Mormon and highlighted certain chapters for him to read in bright orange so he won't miss it ;) He was very kind and friendly; it's good to know people like that still exist :)
- As soon as we were walking away from talking with that guy, we got a call from the sisters we live with saying that Sister Williams was at the doctor for her headaches because she was a hot mess, but they needed us to go get her insurance card and medicine for the doctor. So we raced home, raced to the doctors office, and said a prayer for that sweet sister to feel better.
- Nightly planning occurred in the library in our complex, where we met our atheist inactive again :) this time he had a friend! So we had a good conversation and invited them to an activity on Sunday evening with the ward :)
- My district rocks :) Our zone leader brought up a point that I've heard and seen before, but for some reason it stuck out to me a lot more this time around. It goes like this:
Hear--> remember--> understand--> DO--> become
This can apply for anything! In my case, it applies to missionary work. I help people hear the word of God as I teach and testify with the spirit. I help them remember the feelings they've had and invite them to do things that will bring them closer to the lord. This will help them experience those feelings again, which will help their understanding increase. Then the people we teach must DO; they must act on their thoughts and feelings in order to progress. Eventually they will become! They will become full of knowledge and experience, so much that they can't doubt.
Another example could be baking cookies. In 7th grade I was like little miss Betty Crocker and made chocolate chip cookies every weekend :) I heard and observed my mom explain the ingredients as I watched her do it a few times, I remembered and understood the importance of how much of what I needed to put in the mixer, and in what order. So I did it! Multiple times! Over and over and over again until I BECAME Betty Crocker ;)
I just really love that pattern, especially when I set goals every week!
- After district meeting, we went to lunch with the sisters we live with and did some Facebook cleaning because we are back on! :)
- Then we had a lesson with a recent convert, dinner with a member, and then a lesson with T! It was her birthday, so we brought her a baby sized ice cream carton and got ourselves a baby Ben and jerry's to celebrate :) we shared a message, and then it was time to go home! I slept like a rock that night. I've never slept as good as I do since I've been on a mission :)
Wednesday came so fast! And it was a really good day!
- We went to AFAC for a good chunk of our afternoon, came home for dinner and went to check on a potential before grabbing a member to go to a lesson with our investigators.
- This was THE coolest night ever! Guess who we ran into? Ky! Ky had a friend who randomly asked, "So what is it that you do exactly?" After explaining, we taught the restoration! We gave him a Book of Mormon and he said, "I have Friday off! Come back at 6!" Okay! :)
- Almost as if it was planned, as soon as we were done talking to Ky and his friend, our investigators walked right around the corner on their way home from work. God is so good :) We taught them the plan of salvation which went so well!
- AND as soon as we were done talking to them, we turned around to find our good friend F from a few weeks ago :) after sharing a message with him, it was time to go home. Gods hand truly is in everything. There is no such thing as coincidence!
- There's this thing called, "Return and Report" that trainers and trainees go to at the end of the trainee's first transfer. This is where we split up and get to release our struggles/frustrations with our companions if we don't want to tell them to their face. It's also a super motivational, spiritual meeting :) it was fun to go because it reminded me when I went with sister Lewis. There were so many things that stuck out to me; I'll share a couple phrases that I loved:
(Background to the first one--> in the movie, "Facing Giants", there is a scene where a football coach asks one of the players to do the death crawl blind folded. He tells him to do his very best; to not stop until he truly cannot continue. The player tells the coach he can make it to the 50 yard line without someone on his back, and this is the coaches response)
>But even if you can't, I want you to give me your very best.
>Keep up not who you used to be, but who God wants you to become.
>Have you ever thought about who might be in your great and spacious building?
>DC 3:4-10, alma 29:4-5, 2 nephi 2:16-26, 1 nephi 8:30
>Steel your mind--> keep focused, confident, determined
>Do you really want to be in the celestial kingdom? How bad? Are you doing anything right now to live a celestial life the best you can? If you really, truly want to be in the celestial kingdom, you would be making changes to line your life with the will of the Lord, and do only those things that will please him/ draw you closer to Him.
It was a really good meeting :) Also president Riggs' last one before he leaves on Thursday!
- ** Fun Fact:: I will have exactly 9 months with President Riggs, and exactly 9 months with president huntsman. Cool, huh? :)
- Anyway, guess what was for lunch? Pizza! I think I'm going to be sick of pizza by the end of my mission. We have had it so much this past transfer. I'm grateful for food :) but I'm so done with pizza.
- In the evening we went to a lesson with a member and it was super good!
- Everyone canceled and it was just a hard day, so the member we brought with us took us out to ice cream. Not upon request, just out of the kindness of her heart because she served in Ukraine and understands those kind of days.
I had a migraine, but was able to lay down and it went away eventually. We weren't able to finish weekly planning on Friday, so we did that in the afternoon as well as checked on a couple potentials/referrals.
Dinner was with a member and we had white bean chili :) yumm :) afterwards there was a MASSIVE storm. Like, tornado warning as well as a flash flood warning, and the power went out. We were going to leave the building but when we went outside it was nuts! So we hung out in the library all evening with our atheist friend and his friend :)
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What happens when you walk from the door to your car during a Virginia rain storm... I'm soaked! |
Sunday was my favorite. I love Sundays.
- Church was incredible; the spirit was so strong and I received a good amount of revelation for myself and our area.
That is something that I have gained a massive love for; the spirit and personal revelation. I can confidently tell you that I know exactly how the spirit speaks to me. I know when it's the spirit speaking vs. myself, and I feel the loving, chastening when I ignore a prompting. Heavenly Father knows that I know when the spirit tells me to do or not to do something, so if and when I choose to ignore it He's like,
"?! Kailey!"
but I love it :)
I love being able to recognize the spirit quickly and clearly. I am so blessed!! I've come to realize the importance of knowing HOW the spirit speaks to you, and even further, acting upon what it says. That guy will never tell you anything that doesn't come from God.
- I've also gained a huge testimony of fasting! Fasting consists of going without food or water for the space of 24 hours, and we do it to grow spiritually closer to our Father in Heaven. Whenever we have a question or someone else needs a little extra divine help, we start and end with a prayer (otherwise you just starve yourself) and fast to show Heavenly Father we are serious. I've fasted multiple times in my life, especially on my mission, and I testify of the power that it does have. I fasted to feel the spirit more abundantly and clearly, and that's exactly what happened! I fasted for C to be baptized and a couple days later received a phone call informing me that she would be baptized the flowing Sunday, and she was! I've fasted to know what college to attend, some people fast for help to forgive, some people fast for something so simple as more peace in their life. It works! I testify that it does :)
- The rest of Sunday got even better. Dinner with a member was so good, and then we went to a ward munch n' mingle which we invited our atheist friend to. He came! He even beat us there, brought ice cream for everyone, and met people from his same home town who knew the same people. He really enjoyed it! Sister jones and I were speechless. He loved it and wants to hang out with the singles ward more often :) I LOVE THIS WARD!!! Seriously I could not be happier with where I am right now :) We left before our friend did, but saw him later and asked how it went. He said, "It was so weird. Today was a normal day and then everything was like coincidence after coincidence when I got to that party!" I was like, "Nothing is a coincidence :)".
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I saw the Jesus bumper sticker, and then noticed the sign off to the right a little later :) NOTHING IS A COINCIDENCE!! ;) |
- I am beyond grateful to be a tool in the Lords hands. It's truly such a humbling experience day after day. I'm so glad I'm here :)
Today we get a private tour of the capital building because a member of our ward works there, so we get to see things that the normal tours don't show! For example, I guess there are ancient bathtubs in the building because the congressmen needed to clean up after a long travel to get there? I'll take pictures if I'm allowed to :) I hope everyone had a great week!! :)Love you :)
Ps.TC Williams high school from remember the Titans is totally in my area and I pass it on a regular basis :)
Idahome :)
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