A lot has happened within the past 7 days!
- We found 2 solid new investigators, totaling our teaching pool with a whopping 8 people coming closer to Christ.
- We had transfers, which means there is a new sister in the apartment and sister Kennedy is deeply missed, I saw sister Lewis :) 26 missionaries departed the mission life, and
- We heard from President Riggs and his wife for the last time.
- Oh, also, I hit my 9 month mark on Wednesday. Minor details ;)
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Monday. We will start with Monday :)
- DC was a blast!! The weather was beautiful, we ran into a lot of people that would say, "Hi sisters! :)" which always warms our hearts, and we saw a lot of cool things :) Because we have a car we don't walk a ton, so after a full day of being on my feet, I was pretty sure they were going to fall off. Don't worry, it got better :)
- In the evening we went to see Terry! She is the greatest. She always texts us and asks when we can come over next, and keeps us in the loop with her day :) I love that woman! We had a lesson planned but when we got there, something else felt better and then ended up being exactly what she needed. I'm grateful for the ability to discern what the spirit says :)
- In the morning was our last district meeting before the new transfer, and it was super good! We talked about motivation. How are we motivated? How do we help our investigators/potentials/ less active members/ members become motivated? It all boils down to an understanding. When I understand why something is important, or why I need something in my life, then I figure out how I can get it! Because I understand the why behind it.
- Afterwards we finished studies and watched an hour of "The District" videos for part of sister Jones' training.
- Dinner was home made tacos with a member, and then another massive Virginia rain storm occurred :) we had a lesson with another member and when we were leaving, we opened the door to find a flood outside! That's normal.
- L, the member we were with, insisted that she run right next to us holding an umbrella over our heads as we jump puddles to the car :) she is so funny :) at one point there was a massive river (not really, it was just the gutter on the side of the road that was pretty much like a river) and L was worried about my shoes getting wet. I told her it was fine and that I could jump over it (hoping my leaps are still as powerful as they were a year ago) in a skirt, and I totally did :) if you were there you'd be impressed ;)
- In the midst of the rain, we called a less active to see if we could come over. She said yes :) so we shared a message with her and her roommate, who is also in our ward, before we headed home. The Lord is blessing our efforts and we are so grateful :)
- we received a text from a member who needed some spiritual uplifting, so we went to her house for lunch as she unloaded and we lent a listening ear. We were there for 2 whole hours and it was so good! The food and the spirit ;)
- After that we had a lesson with a recent convert on tithing and fast offerings. He didn't know a whole lot, so it was fun to teach! :)
- Dinner was with one of our favorite members, and then we had some time to kill before we went to a lesson with a member of the bishopric. We went to check on a less active, but he wasn't home; however, his mother answered the door! I didn't know who she was, so we asked and then asked if we could share a 2 minute video about Christ with her. She said yes and opened the door for us to come inside. We asked if she sat in on the lessons while her children were being taught the gospel and she said no, so we then asked if she wanted to learn what they did. She said yes! Here is where it gets good :) We called the zone leaders because she is in their ward, and they were shocked because apparently missionaries in the past have been trying to get in contact with her and have been waiting for her to be interested, but haven't had any success. All we did was ask and boom! She's ready :) I LOVE being a tool in the lords hands :) we had an appointment with her two days later but she had to work later than she thought, so it didn't happen. We will see her again this week though :)
- The rest of the evening was spent with the second counselor of our ward and his wife who are awesome! It was so fun :) I love love love my ward!!
Aaannnnddd then we have the biggest day of my mission.
Thursday.- Transfers.
The last one with President Riggs.
Maybe, but it was a big day!
The entire mission was there, and it was a normal transfer meeting with a different spirit to it. There was so much love and appreciation in the room! All 26ish departing missionaries shared their testimonies which brought a spirit that lasted the rest of the day. During the closing song sister Riggs was trying to keep composed but not very well, which made the rest of the sisters lose composure :) it was a sweet, tender, amazing meeting :) I know that President Riggs was my mission president for my first 9 months for a reason. That family has helped me become the person I know Heavenly Father wants me to be, and I am so grateful for all that he has done! I love my mission president, and I'm excited to see what president Huntsman does with the mission for the rest of my time here!
Also, sweet Sister Kennedy was transferred to a different area :( but guess who Sister Williams' new companion is??? SISTER LIU!! Ya. What?! Blessing!! It is so fun to be able to live with that amazing sister again :) I love her!
- We didn't get out of the meeting until 4:30, and we had to cancel our dinner because traffic wouldn't allow us to make it on time, so we ate Panda before we went to go see D, one of our investigators. D is engaged to T, the sister of C who is another investigator of ours. T is always inside with her baby when we teach the guys outside on their porch, and we have only met her once. D wasn't home, but T was sitting outside! So we started talking to her while we waited for him. Eventually we asked if we could share with her what we were going to share with him, and she said yes. We shared the plan of salvation with her and she beamed :) She said, "I wish I would have come out here earlier when you were teaching the guys! I feel like I've been missing out on something my whole life!" She said she was glad we came and wants to learn more :) I LOVE HER!!
- Every once in a while (quite often recently) Heavenly Father will give me a taste of his love for His children when I talk to them. I could feel the overwhelming amount of love that He has for her, which made me burst with that love so much to the point where I just told her! I was like, "T I love you! You're an incredible daughter of God who I know loves you. I can feel it, and I know that the messages that we have to share with you will bless your life more than you can even comprehend. I am so glad we met you!:)" it was like this precious moment of joy between everyone involved because the spirit was there :) she even said she felt super good while we taught her, and we pointed out that she was feeling the spirit, which testifies of truth :) AH!! I LOVE being a missionary!! I love T! I love this gospel!! God is SO good to us :)
- I am just mind. blown. at the miracles that took place over the past few days. I literally don't even have words to express my joy/shock at the blessings Heavenly Father is laying at our feet. I shouldn't be surprised, but I am!
- Weekly planning was SO GOOD! Sister Jones and I are going to rock it this transfer. I can feel it :) Time flew by like crazy and before we knew it we only had half an hour to eat dinner before we needed to be at a lesson.
- This is the lesson where the lady had to work longer than she thought, so we went to check on a less active. She wasn't home either, but we decided to go street contacting around her house before we had another lesson with T and D. I looked in my bag to see how many pass along cards I had left, and I only had one. So we grabbed more from the trunk and sat in the car for a minute to write on a few. I hadn't even finished writing on the first card when the less active drove up and parked next to us. About 2 months ago, sister Morris and I came to see her and she was not interested in coming back to church at all. She wasn't ready, but she was extremely kind! So sister Jones and I started talking to her for a minute and asked if she had 10 minutes. She did :)
- We didn't really have a lesson prepared or planned for her, so we were definitely relying on the spirit to tell us what she needed to hear! We asked what she was doing for the 4th of July and she unloaded about her family. We were able to discuss how the gospel blesses families, and suddenly she brought up baptism! We asked if she remembered why she was baptized and she couldn't remember, but said that she wanted to do it again. She kept talking about the things she did with the church when she was active, and how much she loved it. Then she said she wanted to come back to church!? So she voluntarily put it in her calendar for the month of July to come to church, and invited us over to teach her a few times before the Sunday that she comes to church. I'm pretty sure my jaw hit the floor the entire time. She kept saying how she felt super good while we were talking with her, so we reminded her that was the spirit :) she is a rock star! I was and I am incredibly overwhelmed with the spirit! What just happened?! She even asked us to send scriptures to her every day! Sister Jones was ecstatic :) haha it was so funny :) MIRACLES people!! They're so real!!
- T and D had to go to the hospital to see her mom because she isn't doing well (please keep her in your prayers) but her grandma was home! So guess what we did? Taught her :) because that's what we do :) it was amazing. Again! I'm in awe. SUCH a good day :)
- MORE miracles!
- We had a lesson with a convert to the church of about 2 years, but it was a guy so we needed a female to come with us. We only remembered that minor detail 2 hours prior to the appointment, so we started to ask around. The only person that could was N, (which is awesome) and turned out to be the perfect person for this guy! They have the same life I swear, and it was super neat to see how God's hand was in the entire thing.
- Lately I've felt like a name or a place will pop into my head when making decisions, and I immediately, without hesitation, choose to go with my first thought. Not because I feel like it's coming from God; I just do. Every single time I've done that, things end up working out so perfectly that my jaw hits the floor 24/7 and I'm speechless!! I feel like Heavenly Father is planning everything for us and we are just there to witness it all happen. I keep thinking, "thanks, pal! :)"
- It rained aaaallll day which was fine because sister Jones needed to write her talk for sacrament meeting. That meant more time for me to soak up the scriptures! :) also nap, because I need naps.
- For dinner we went to "Big Buns", a hamburger place, to celebrate with a member of our ward because she received her endowments earlier that day :)
- After our bellies were full we went to check on a couple referrals. One of them being R! He is from Africa and very interested in learning. We have a return appointment with him on Saturday!
After studies on Sunday morning
- we went to a lesson with A where we put her on date! A will enter the waters of baptism on Saturday, July 11th :) she is so excited! Please keep her in all of your prayers!! :) also, cool story real quick! Turns out A speaks Portuguese, English, and Amharic, and we happened to have copies of the Book of Mormon in all of those languages in our trunk! So she took them and asked if she could give them to people! How ridiculously awesome is that?! So cool :)
- After giving those to her, she had to leave so we went back inside where we met a non member who was at church for the second time in her life. She is atheist dating a Mormon and has looked for happiness all her life in every place the world offers it, but she said she feels like she is missing something. She asked her boyfriend if he was genuinely happy most of the time, because she wasn't, and he said yes. His reasoning was because he has God in his life, so she got in her car Sunday morning and drove to the ward she thought she'd be in. The way she told her experience was funny :)
she said she got in her car thinking, "what am I doing?!" And almost didn't come, but for some reason she did! When she walked in she asked the first person she saw where to go but that person was new too, which made her feel better knowing she wasn't the only new one :) When sacrament meeting was over she was going to go home, but asked her new friend if she was staying and she was, so she stayed too!
We come into the picture after the second hour, and taught her about our Heavenly Father, the Book of Mormon, lasting happiness, faith, and the atonement for the entire third hour. We didn't even go to Relief Society :) My favorite was that nothing was forced. It was a relaxed but powerful conversation that was unplanned. That's one reason why it's immensely important to always be in tune with the spirit! Unfortunately we don't get to teach this sister because she isn't in our ward boundaries; she is in the other singles ward. BUT we all teach the same thing, and it doesn't really bother me because as long as SOMEONE is helping her find her Father in Heaven, that's what matters :)
- The rest of our day was good! We had dinner with a member and checked on a couple referrals after that :) OH! And we had a lesson with a recent convert of about 3 months! She is a trooper :) her parents don't support her whatsoever, and they always bash on the church, but she endures and sticks to what she knows to be true :) people like that inspire me. It was a good day :)
Thanks for your prayers and all you do for me. I can feel and see the blessings unfold from the prayers of all those on behalf of the missionaries. We truly appreciate it :)
Have a good week! Remember who you are and who you represent :)
Sister Kailey :)
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