Happy Thursday!! :)
Oh. My. Gosh.
A week and a half really isn't that long... but when you're a missionary
and it means P-day isn't Monday, it feels like a century long!
Not even exaggerating ;)
Not even exaggerating ;)
This is our mail box, and I can barely see inside |
However!! It was full of exciting, hilarious, bittersweet moments and
I'm excited for you to read about them :)
Because this email will cover more than the usual weeks worth of
events, I'll make sure it doesn't turn into a novel and only share the important things :)
A LOT happened over the past 10 days!
events, I'll make sure it doesn't turn into a novel and only share the important things :)
A LOT happened over the past 10 days!
We'll start with MONDAY:) so, two Mondays ago...
In the morning we drove up Bull Run Mountain, the only [ hill ] in Virginia, and it was gorgeous!
I will never be able to compare Fall to any other Fall anywhere else; its breathtakingly beautiful.
That's where the pictures I sent last week came from :) We had minimal time to email because
we went shopping and Sister Donato got her hair cut at 4pm,so our P-day was cut short. It's fine :)
The evening was spent saying goodbye to members. Pretty simple but so much fun.
I say it all the time, but I truly adore this ward! The members are family, and I love it :)
I don't ever want to live on the east coast after my mission; I personally like the west much better,
but if I ever did have to live in Virginia again I would make every effort I could to be in Gainesville :)
The members are wonderful :)
spent part of the afternoon packing until we went to a lesson with K--. Get this. Something about that entire house
has changed dramatically, I know what that is of course; they're living the gospel now, and K's mom is happier than I've ever seen her! There is a pleasant difference every time we are with them now, and Ju--, the mom, is having the rest of her kids take the discussions so they can be baptized! Ca-- is 9 and said that after watching K (her older sister) get baptized, she wants to as well! So now we are teaching Ca the lessons, while teaching her recent convert sister and returning mother at the same time. It's so awesome :)
We said goodbye to a lot of families that night, and ended the day with a lesson with Tr-- and his mom (the insanely busy sister who can't ever find time to come to church). We taught them the word of
wisdom and they said they would be able to come to the ward trunk-or-treat party on Friday!! :)
To make the day even better, around 9:30 pm we got the email that told us who our new companions are and where we will go for the following Thursday.
Good news!
I'm staying in Gainesville through November :)
We knew that would happen, but guess who my new companion is?? -----> SISTER WILLIAMS!!!
I lived with her when I was serving in the singles ward! :) I don't know if you remember me talking about adventures with her or not, but I LOVE this sister!! ALSO!! She has a sucrose intolerance!! Is Heavenly Father not the greatest?! Now there will be absolutely no sugar temptation in the house because neither of us can eat it :) This is the biggest tender mercy. My heart was and still is so stinking full :)
AB-- GOT BAPTIZED on WEDNESDAY!! That was the highlight of the day :) It was an hour and a half drive with rain and traffic, but we have awesome members who are so willing to help us out and drive us there.
It was such a beautiful baptism! There were so many people there to support, and the spirit was incredible.
She received the gift of the Holy Ghost that night, too and it was amazing. The spirit filled the room the entire night! We took pictures at the end; every sister who taught her, minus elders that have already gone home.
This is the fruit of planting seeds :)
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All the Sister who have been a part of AB--'s conversion! |
During the rest of the day we just cleaned the house and packed, as well as a couple last minute things for
Sister Donato. It was so weird and sad when we got ready for bed, realizing that was our last night together, and her last night as a full-time missionary. In the beginning of my mission I would be so stumped as to why people were so sad to leave! I thought they would be super excited to go home and see their families. But even with 5
months left, I see the sadness. I never want to go home! Just kidding, I do, but I don't at the same time.
Good thing I don't have to worry about it for a while :)
Transfers were Thursday last week. So many mixed emotions flowed through my heart that day.
Sister Donato. It was so weird and sad when we got ready for bed, realizing that was our last night together, and her last night as a full-time missionary. In the beginning of my mission I would be so stumped as to why people were so sad to leave! I thought they would be super excited to go home and see their families. But even with 5
months left, I see the sadness. I never want to go home! Just kidding, I do, but I don't at the same time.
Good thing I don't have to worry about it for a while :)
Transfers were Thursday last week. So many mixed emotions flowed through my heart that day.
I was so sad to see Sister Donato go; We said goodbye like 10 times and cried and hugged and eventually said
goodbye for real :) haha. She left me with the sweetest note ever, too! You gain life-long friends on a mission, and they're friendships in Christ, so they're even better than any other friendship!
goodbye for real :) haha. She left me with the sweetest note ever, too! You gain life-long friends on a mission, and they're friendships in Christ, so they're even better than any other friendship!
I sincerely cherish the sisters I've been blessed to serve with.
Goodbye #8 with Sister Donato :) I miss her SO incredibly much!! |
On a happy note, Sister Williams is here!! :)
Sister Williams and I when we found out we were companions |
All day Thursday we cackled at the many memories we have of living at the Aspen, and our
adventures together. We are STOKED to work so hard and see so many miracles!
Sister Williams and I are a lot alike! We are both working on specific Christ-like qualities, and feel as though we are starting from ground zero with our weaknesses. We have so much motivation and
determination to lift and build one another up throughout the next 6 weeks :) I am so excited!!
She's awesome! This is going to be a blast :)
Our evening plans canceled... all of them... so we tracted! We met people who want us to come back, and one of them even came to the trunk-or-treat Friday :)
adventures together. We are STOKED to work so hard and see so many miracles!
Sister Williams and I are a lot alike! We are both working on specific Christ-like qualities, and feel as though we are starting from ground zero with our weaknesses. We have so much motivation and
determination to lift and build one another up throughout the next 6 weeks :) I am so excited!!
She's awesome! This is going to be a blast :)
Our evening plans canceled... all of them... so we tracted! We met people who want us to come back, and one of them even came to the trunk-or-treat Friday :)
Okay. Want to hear the coolest miracle ever??
So, Sister Williams was trained in Haymarket, which is the area that neighbors Gainesville;
the Haymarket sisters live in the same building as us. While sister Williams was there, a year ago, she taught and developed a strong bond with a lady whom we will call KH. KH moved into the Gainesville ward
and completely went off the radar for the past year, so she is less active and we can never get a hold of her.
Randomly, Sister Williams asked if KH was in our ward, because she emailed Sister Williams saying something along the lines of, "Where are you?? We need to get together! I'll drive to you if I have to!"
And then Heavenly Father sends Sister Williams to the same town that KH lives in.
Is that not the coolest thing??? So cool :)
the Haymarket sisters live in the same building as us. While sister Williams was there, a year ago, she taught and developed a strong bond with a lady whom we will call KH. KH moved into the Gainesville ward
and completely went off the radar for the past year, so she is less active and we can never get a hold of her.
Randomly, Sister Williams asked if KH was in our ward, because she emailed Sister Williams saying something along the lines of, "Where are you?? We need to get together! I'll drive to you if I have to!"
And then Heavenly Father sends Sister Williams to the same town that KH lives in.
Is that not the coolest thing??? So cool :)
ALSO!!! I just need to throw this in here. Sister Jones, my baby, is in my zone now.
That means I'm her sister training leader and get to go on exchanges with her :)
I really don't know what else Heavenly Father could do for me; I'm on cloud 9 :)

FRIDAY came around, which Sister Williams and I were both so excited for because that's weekly planning day!! New transfer, new goals, new companionship, new motivation, new start :) It was awesome :)
With that in mind, our zone leadership meeting was really good, too!
We came to a conclusion after debating a transfer zone goal:
The vision is, "Charity- learn it, do it, love it" and we came up with a couple plans for how to go about those 3 things. It's going to be such a good transfer! Within both my companionship and my zone;
"I can feel it in my toes" as Sister Liu (my second companion as a missionary) would say :)
Our ward Halloween trunk-or-treat/party was that night! It was a perfect opportunity for Sister Williams to meet people :) During weekly planning we made flash cards to help her memorize the members
and their callings, so at the party she was able to put faces to names
she was already familiar with :) It was so fun! We had a handful of investigators and less actives there, so that was awesome!

FRIDAY came around, which Sister Williams and I were both so excited for because that's weekly planning day!! New transfer, new goals, new companionship, new motivation, new start :) It was awesome :)
With that in mind, our zone leadership meeting was really good, too!
We came to a conclusion after debating a transfer zone goal:
The vision is, "Charity- learn it, do it, love it" and we came up with a couple plans for how to go about those 3 things. It's going to be such a good transfer! Within both my companionship and my zone;
"I can feel it in my toes" as Sister Liu (my second companion as a missionary) would say :)
Our ward Halloween trunk-or-treat/party was that night! It was a perfect opportunity for Sister Williams to meet people :) During weekly planning we made flash cards to help her memorize the members
and their callings, so at the party she was able to put faces to names
she was already familiar with :) It was so fun! We had a handful of investigators and less actives there, so that was awesome!
On SATURDAY we weren't allowed to go out and work after 5pm, but we were
allowed to watch a movie! Sister Huntsman picked it this year for everyone.
First we had our Halloween party with the zone at our stake president's home.
We played reversed charades, and then watched "Cokesville Miracle", which was so good!
It was a really fun night :)
allowed to watch a movie! Sister Huntsman picked it this year for everyone.
First we had our Halloween party with the zone at our stake president's home.
We played reversed charades, and then watched "Cokesville Miracle", which was so good!
It was a really fun night :)
{ F U N N Y. S T O R Y }
I know I'm fairly little, being 5'2 and all, but I have never felt like anyone really towers over me except for people who are 6' or taller. That being said, I always thought Sister Williams was only a little taller than me... until we looked in the mirror standing side by side. I'M TINY!!! It was so funny :) We laughed so hard!
I have always felt that most people were sort of close to my height...
But I'm just now realizing that is most definitely not the case :P

All week Sister Williams and I have been talking about how inspired this companionship truly is, and how we strengthen each other so well when it comes to our weaknesses. I am so grateful for her! She is such
a powerful, bold, charitable missionary. I have already learned so much from her :)
I know I'm fairly little, being 5'2 and all, but I have never felt like anyone really towers over me except for people who are 6' or taller. That being said, I always thought Sister Williams was only a little taller than me... until we looked in the mirror standing side by side. I'M TINY!!! It was so funny :) We laughed so hard!
I have always felt that most people were sort of close to my height...
But I'm just now realizing that is most definitely not the case :P

All week Sister Williams and I have been talking about how inspired this companionship truly is, and how we strengthen each other so well when it comes to our weaknesses. I am so grateful for her! She is such
a powerful, bold, charitable missionary. I have already learned so much from her :)
SUNDAY night is a good example! We followed every prompting we felt, which lead us away from one home where we thought we should go, to a less active whom we witnessed the spirit touch in
more ways than one! In preach my gospel chapter 11 one of the bullet points says that people are not likely to change until they are invited to do so. We witnessed the truthfulness of this statement as
we extended the simple invitation to this sweet sister to read and pray every night.
Knowing her, and observing her reaction made for a neat and humbling experience :)
She agreed to do it, and accepted our offer to hold her accountable by calling her every day to remind her.
Her daughter came down soon after, so we extended the invitation to her as well.
Then her son came in the room with his super sweet hover board, and we learned that he doesn't really know if there is a God. He wasn't asking questions, but we testified and bore our witness of the power of prayer, and the reality of a living God who loves us dearly. It was a really good night. I have the best companion :)
Elder Perkins from the Seventy came to work with us all day MONDAY. It was
such a revelatory meeting, and we talked about that specifically; having revelatory meetings.
No meeting in the church, sacrament meeting, our a meeting for your calling, etc. should be a drag.
It should be a revelatory experience, but it's up to you to make it that way. He had us write down 2 different questions regarding 2 different topics, and invited us to seek answers throughout the meeting. Both of
mine were answered, and that was the case for most everyone in the room :) We practice taught the restoration with him as well, and it was so much fun! I needed those 8 hours more than I realized.
more ways than one! In preach my gospel chapter 11 one of the bullet points says that people are not likely to change until they are invited to do so. We witnessed the truthfulness of this statement as
we extended the simple invitation to this sweet sister to read and pray every night.
Knowing her, and observing her reaction made for a neat and humbling experience :)
She agreed to do it, and accepted our offer to hold her accountable by calling her every day to remind her.
Her daughter came down soon after, so we extended the invitation to her as well.
Then her son came in the room with his super sweet hover board, and we learned that he doesn't really know if there is a God. He wasn't asking questions, but we testified and bore our witness of the power of prayer, and the reality of a living God who loves us dearly. It was a really good night. I have the best companion :)
Elder Perkins from the Seventy came to work with us all day MONDAY. It was
such a revelatory meeting, and we talked about that specifically; having revelatory meetings.
No meeting in the church, sacrament meeting, our a meeting for your calling, etc. should be a drag.
It should be a revelatory experience, but it's up to you to make it that way. He had us write down 2 different questions regarding 2 different topics, and invited us to seek answers throughout the meeting. Both of
mine were answered, and that was the case for most everyone in the room :) We practice taught the restoration with him as well, and it was so much fun! I needed those 8 hours more than I realized.
In the evening we had FHE with a less active family and acted out Lehi's vision of the tree of life
(1 Nephi chapter 8). It was super fun and a great way to hold the kids attention :)
Also, sad news. We received a phone call that day that Sister Jensen (the lady with the farm whom we adore)... her husband unexpectedly passed away in his sleep Sunday night :( Then literally seconds after
that, an elder approached me asking if I served in Centreville and knew a Mary Rose. I did! I taught her a year ago! He then informed me that she was passing away as we spoke! Dear goodness! All these people
I love....within the same 60 seconds! I'm grateful for the knowledge of the plan of salvation and the comfort that it brings. My eyes started to water as soon as I heard about brother Jensen because that
family is the most Christ-like family I've ever met, and they do so much for so many people;
my heart broke for Sister Jensen. Why can't we all just die at the same time?!? :P
That would prevent a lot of heart break!
TUESDAY morning we helped a sister in our ward clean her house because she is physically limited. I love service so much. Whenever you're having a bad day, go do something for someone else because it makes a
world of difference on the rest of your day :) In the evening we checked on people and knocked on some doors before we went to correlation with our ward missionaries.
One door we knocked, a man opened and said the lords name in vain, "Oh J****! What's up??"
TUESDAY morning we helped a sister in our ward clean her house because she is physically limited. I love service so much. Whenever you're having a bad day, go do something for someone else because it makes a
world of difference on the rest of your day :) In the evening we checked on people and knocked on some doors before we went to correlation with our ward missionaries.
One door we knocked, a man opened and said the lords name in vain, "Oh J****! What's up??"
The first thing that came to my kind was, "Jesus! That's what's up! We are missionaries! :)"
Haha, we all laughed about it and then learned that this man had just returned home from the hospital
with his little girl because she got an x-Ray. Something is wrong with her chest :( We said a prayer with them right then and there, after teaching them how to pray :) It was awesome! Sweetest experience :)
MLC with Elder Perkins was on WEDNESDAY! That was yet again, another revelatory experience.
with his little girl because she got an x-Ray. Something is wrong with her chest :( We said a prayer with them right then and there, after teaching them how to pray :) It was awesome! Sweetest experience :)
MLC with Elder Perkins was on WEDNESDAY! That was yet again, another revelatory experience.
We learned so much and found ways we could strengthen the missionaries in our mission. I'm grateful to have the
opportunity to serve as an STL. It's such a rewarding time for growth and service :)
I'm not sure if I'll be serving in this position for the rest of my mission or not; I'll never know in advance,
but I'm grateful for the time I do get to be an STL :)
opportunity to serve as an STL. It's such a rewarding time for growth and service :)
I'm not sure if I'll be serving in this position for the rest of my mission or not; I'll never know in advance,
but I'm grateful for the time I do get to be an STL :)
The rest of the day was awesome! We met the kindest people, had wonderful gospel conversations, gave away all of our copies of the Book of Mormon, bore testimony all night, and ended the evening with sister Jensen :)
We are working our tails off and it is a blast :)
Today I get to go to the temple, that's why I'm sending this super early,
but I'll be back on to email later in the day :)
Also, can we all throw our hands up in the air and shout for joy that
TODAY IS P-DAY???!!! :) Woo-hoo!! We. Are. Stoked. I love P-days :)
Have a fabulous week :) I hope you scored on candy.
Pray for my shin splints; they're still very much here, and read the Book of Mormon :)
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