
Monday, January 26, 2015

Week 16: Sight-seeing and Courage-building

I'm pointing to the Smithsonian in the background

Family!! Friends! Hello! :)

This will be quite short because today I went to DC which takes up...All of my day.

This week we had so much faith to find!! We knocked so many doors, contacted everyone we passed, chased down those we didn't, and found a new investigator! Woohoo!!

Funny story. One door we knocked on, I asked the guy what his name was and clearly he didn't want to tell us. I promised I wouldn't remember it anyway, and he tried to be subtle but SO obviously made up a name hahah he had the look on his face like, "yeah, that's my name, Brian...". I wanted to bust up laughing but that would be rude, so I contained myself :)

We knocked some MASSIVE houses this week!! I kept pacing back and forth in the driveways because I was trying to muster up the courage to walk the long, gorgeous, perfect driveway. But sister Liu would just laugh and walk up to the door, so I followed and then pretended that I was way confident when the door opened :)

Oh!! IMPORTANT!!>> I'm moving in with the Spanish sisters because our lease is up so I have a new address for like 3 weeks.

This week I made cooked oatmeal, French toast, and crepes all by myself for breakfast!! {pat myself on the back because I feel like I deserve it}
Oh my! Also, one morning before we left the house to run to the gym, we were looking for the keys. Couldn't find them anywhere, until sister Liu opened the door and they were OUTSIDE stuck IN the door! Ya. Totally could have gotten kidnapped/robbed/killed that night, but God protects his missionaries so no big deal, right? :P hahah whoops!! :)

It snowed this week! But then it melted by dinner time so it didn't look like it ever did.

I hit my 4 month mark this week!! Time is going by so fast, and yet so slow!! But I honestly love my experience here and wouldn't trade it for the world :)
Today we went to the national gallery of art with our sister training leaders and SISTER LEWIS!!!! Oh how I love that woman!! Such a great day!! :)) I also went on the metro for the first time, that was fun :)

The Washington Monument. I'm doing a thumbs up, but you can't tell. 
A pretty picture
My good friend George
My even better friend, Sister Lewis

I'm so grateful to know that I am a daughter of God. I know that Heavenly Father really does love His daughters like any good father would, and he wants the best for us. I know that when we are obedient to His commandments, and endure to the end, we won't be able to count the blessings that pour into our lives :) 

Again, sorry this was so short!! Next week will be better :) if I don't get around to emailing
you this week, I will next week!!

Love you :)
Sister Chandler

Ps. I just want to mention that I ran 3.58 miles a couple different times this week :) that's big for me :)

Monday, January 19, 2015

Week 15: Clorox Wipes & Packing Tape, Quando, & The Tree of Life

Hello hello! :)   Well this week was... Interesting. 

Sister Liu and I have very different teaching styles, and we are just extremely different people, so it's been an adjustment but it's going! I'm learning a lot and my patience is being tested, as well as my faith, but this is what I signed up for :) Sister Liu has never been to five guys. When I asked if she wanted to get a burger for lunch, she about jumped out of the car because she hadn't had one in a loooong time! So I introduced her to five guys and she fell in love :) 
We were taking pictures and she said to do the headache pose...
Apparently we feel differently about headaches.
Sister Liu's book of Mormon and preach my gospel are in Chinese!! So cool!! 
  Oh My! The Funniest Story of the Week!
So every zone training we have a competition for the cleanest car, and even if you don't care to win or not, you need to clean your car. Well as I was running one morning, the elder next to me said they had to leave early to finish cleaning their car. I was like, "for what?" And then it clicked. I panicked because we hadn't touched our car (cleaning wise) in 2 months, Sister Liu and I sprinted home, grabbed CLOROX WIPES to wash the outside of our car (keep in mind it's frosty and cold outside) and we didn't have a vacuum so I grabbed packing tape to stick to the carpet in hopes of removing the dirt/leaves/things a vacuum would clean up. Didn't work. So I used my fingers. We used Windex on the windows, and then had about 20 minutes to get ready and drive to zone conference. We also were required to clean our engine but didn't have time. When the guy who judged the cars came in, he was holding my umbrella that was in the door of the car, and asked who it belonged to. A little embarrassed because I figured he was going to tell me I shouldn't have it in the car (the rules are weird and I don't know all of them so Its a possibility), I said it was mine and he said, "You've done this multiple times haven't ya?" And I was like, "no this is our second time.." His response, "well you just won first place". WHAT?!? hahahah I laughed so hard aallll day!! Some people took time to hand wax their car the day before, and vacuumed it out too, but we cleaned our car the cheap way in 20 minutes and won :) hahaha I really don't know how though!! It didn't look the cleanest in my opinion! 
We have a sweet car! It's a 2014!

    The lady who made me a blanket put it in this enormous bag!!
    I thought about sending myself home as a gift, but decided it would cost too much to send something so valuable to the other side of the country ;) 
  • We had a wonderful mission conference Saturday morning. It was so spiritual and motivating! Afterwards we went to a tropical smoothie place, and there were 3 moms in front of us. I could only hear some of their conversation but somehow I KNEW without a doubt that they were talking about their daughters dance competition. As we stood in line I actually felt as if I had been through a long day of dancing and was out at this smoothie place for the lunch break. I couldn't help but ask if their daughters were dancers, and when they said yes my heart melted!! I so longed to be at that competition just to be in the atmosphere. I miss it so much! So I told them I was a competitive dancer and that I put it on hold for a year and a half to serve a mission. It was a good conversation! I just talk about the gospel everywhere!! :) 
  • Michael Buble sings a song with the lyrics, "Quando" in it. I remember a few years ago wondering what that meant, so I looked it up. I'm pretty sure it means, "when". That has always stuck with me! This week we had a return appointment with a lady we contacted on the street, so when we went to see her, a woman from the Dominican Republic answered the door. She speaks VERY little English and didn't know what we were saying. We asked if Helena was home and she was like i don't know what you're saying (I remember some Spanish!) and suddenly I remembered my good friend Michael Buble. So I said, "Quando!" And some how it was communicated that we wanted to know when Helena would be home, but she didn't know. I should have paid more attention in Spanish! Tell Parker not to lose it!!
  • We had ward conference yesterday and then a few lessons, one of which was with MR, the lady who moves way slow. It was SO great!! The spirit was so strong and I bore my testimony of the things I knew to be true, even though she didn't. I could see the spirit touch her heart, and soften it up. I am simply a tool in the lords hands to provide information, while the spirit teaches. I love my savior.
  • One more funny story. This morning I was running to the gym with sister Liu and she goes, "do I have accent? I didn't think I do, but when I watch myself practice teach, I say "Oh no, I sound Chinese!!" I laughed so hard! She doesn't think she has an accent :) hahah It reminded me of the Asian girl on one of the step up movies. She kept saying she didn't have an accent, but the white kids were like, no you have an accent! Oh man. So funny :) 

| S P I R I T U A L  T H O U G H T | 

When teaching MR yesterday, we read the chapter in the Book of Mormon on the tree of life.  
(1 Nephi 8)

In this chapter the prophet Lehi has a vision. He sees in the midst of darkness, a tree glowing with light that bore fruit, which was whiter than snow and tasted better than anything he had ever tasted. In order to get to this tree and taste of the goodness it possessed people had to cling to an iron rod. Remember, the surroundings are dark and the only thing producing light is this tree, so in order to safely make it there, they had to hold on to the iron rod. Lehi wanted so badly for his family to come and taste this fruit! 

You know when you play a game, or go to your favorite restaurant, or watch a super good movie, you want to share it with others? You want them to experience how awesome whatever it is! The same goes for Lehi, but only his wife and a couple of his sons did come to partake of the fruit, while two of them did not. 

Around that tree was a great and spacious building filled with people dressed in costly apparel, pointing fingers and mocking those who partook of the fruit. Rude, right? There was also a river off to the side, but because it was dark nobody knew it was there. For some people holding fast to the rod, the people in the building seemed to be having so much fun, and looked so cool. Suddenly those who were on the path to the tree, let go of the rod to venture to the building. Remember, they are basically feeling their way in the darkness, risking falling into the river, or getting lost for a long while.

{ W H A T  D O E S  T H I S   M E A N ? }

The tree represents the love of God, the fruit represents eternal life, and the rod represents the word of God. The darkness symbolizes life without the direction and guidance from the word of God, while the great and spacious building is symbolic to the things of this world; distractions and pride. God has prepared a way for each and every one of us to taste of eternal life. He has provided us with the scriptures, prayer, teachers, parents, church leaders, and even church itself. He has given us direction and guidance to be able to enjoy life in His presence once again, but it's OUR CHOICE. We can choose to let go of the rod because things of the world seem better, or we can choose to hold fast to the rod and enjoy the blessings of endurance; ultimately eternal life. We don't have to roam in darkness! Our Heavenly Father wants us to hold firm to that rod and come unto Him.  

[H O W  A R E  YOU S P E N D I N G  YO U R  T I M E  &  W H I C H  W A Y  A R E  Y O U  F A C I N G ? ] 

Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, video games, naps, tv, Netflix, or even certain friends are not bad things! They're fine as long as we are careful. Before my mission I was on Instagram off and on all day every day (because things change within 2 minutes so I had to see what was new...) , I took 2-3 hour naps every day after school. As I look back, I had friends that if I let them, could have directed me to the great and spacious building or just lead me into the darkness. Honestly, I could have used my time so much better! I should have used my time better. Yes,  I read my scriptures every day and said my nightly personal prayers. I went to church and magnified my callings, too, but often I slacked in sincerity. Again, they're not bad things! I will still Instagram and nap when I get home, but I will be much more careful with how I spend my time. I want to be doing things that will draw me closer to Christ, and make sure the things I'm doing are helping me hold fast to that rod, so that no matter how many fingers are pointed, I will not let go.

I know Heavenly Father has a plan for His children. I know He has provided us a way to accomplish that plan, and we just need to choose it every day. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God and it goes hand in hand with the Bible. I know my savior lives. He loves me, and He loves you :) He wants us to make it to that tree to taste of eternal life! So what are you waiting for?? :) Make changes if necessary and see the blessings that blossom :) 

Stay warm. Stay happy. Stay golden. The church is true :)  
Love, Sister Kailey 

PS: There is an Elder Chan here who's name is Kai La Chan.
I totally thought of you Katy 
because of our nicknames:
k-chan... k-fur... ya. idk. I thought it was cool :) 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Week 14: Snow, Thumbs Up!, and Four Minutes

Happy Monday!! :))   This has been a LONG week!


On Monday sister Lewis and I went to get our nails done because it was our last P-day together and we wanted to. So while we sat there and enjoyed being pampered, we totally shared the gospel! The guy (yes, guy) doing my nails was Vietnamese, and it was hard to understand him, but for the most part I figured it out. I asked, "If I brought you a Book of Mormon would you read it?" I don't actually know what he said because I couldn't understand him, so I just said, "Great!! I'll bring one in your language next week!" :) That's what I'll be doing this week :) 

On Tuesday we ran to the gym like usual except it had SNOWED (for real this time)!! I was so excited!! :) People are hilarious over here when it comes to snow. Sister Lewis and I come from Utah and Idaho. We are used to snow, but people here are from all over the world so not everyone knows how to handle it. As we were cruising down the road, there were so many people going literally 5mph. A couple of cars just stopped and people got out and walked!! hahah

Wednesday was full of saying goodbye to members and packing, because Thursday was transfers. I learned so much from Sister Lewis and we truly became best friends in the mission. I will miss her SO much! But I know I can't progress if I stick with the same person the whole time :)

This lady is one of our investigators whom we love dearly.

Are you ready?? ;) We went from Sister Lewis, to Sister Liu! (Lew) :) She comes from the land of Taiwan where the people are many and the Wendy's fast food restaurants are none. She is 22, and SO AWESOME!! She is such a great missionary and I have already learned a lot from her :) This will be a successful, fun, hard transfer but we are so ready to take it on! :) PS: Yes mother, I am now driving.   
My Asian companion that I'm pretty excited about :)... and I definitely crocheted that scarf!!
On Friday we helped a member pack up her home because she is moving, and I learned how to fold a fitted bed sheet because those are tricky, so that was cool!! We also ran to the gym that morning and found that it was CLOSED!?! Ya. What? So we ran back, and it was closed the next day, too, but it's open now :) We found someone new to teach!! Finally! Sister Liu and I are going to tract on purpose this week because our teaching pool is diminishing :( 

Okay. Now, I'll tell you about one of my favorite talks from conference last year. 
During my studies this week I came across a talk given by Bishop Gary E. Stevenson in conference of April last year. Many of you may remember it! It's entitled, "Your Four Minutes". In this talk he describes three LDS Olympic medalists, of which, I'd like to expand on two. 
  • The first one he mentions is Noelle Pikus-Pace who competed in an event called the skeleton. He described the event as athletes building, "momentum as they sprint and then plunge headfirst on a small sled. With their faces inches above the ground, they race down a winding, icy track at speeds that top 90 miles (145 km) an hour". Bishop Stevenson goes on to teach us that Noelle spent an enormous amount of time, years even, to prepare for the four minutes she had to get it right. After the race was over she would have her whole life to look back on that short amount of time that she had to perform her best.
  • Torah Bright is an LDS Olympic half pipe snowboarder who won a silver medal after a flawless run. This story sticks out to me because she, "noticed that American snowboarder Kelly Clark, who had a bad first run in her final round, appeared to be nervous about her second run. 'She gave me a hug,' Clark recalls. 'She just held me until I actually calmed down enough and I slowed my breathing. It was good to have a hug from a friend.'” When questioned because of this Christ-like act, Torah responded with, "I am a competitor--I want to do my best--but I want my fellow competitors to do their best, too.”
These two stories reminded me of dance competitions. From November to March we practice, perform, and compete routines to prepare ourselves for the final State competition. Each dance is about a minute and a half, so when we are standing on the sidelines waiting to walk on the floor to compete, all that races through my mind is, "I can do this! We can do this. We have prepared and worked so hard all season for this moment right now". And then there is always that silent prayer that nobody messes up ;)
In my case, I only had a minute and a half to perform to my best ability in hopes of it being enough to take that state banner home. After the music stopped, we would walk off the floor exhausted from giving our all, and now I have forever and a half to look back on that performance. (In case you're wondering, we did take that banner home. Twice! And I'm humble about it ;)) 

Behind the scenes of a dance competition, I always made sure to compliment other teams on their costumes and performance, as well as wishing them luck before they competed. I, like Torah Bright, wanted to do my best, but I wanted my fellow competitors to do their best, too. 

Now is the time. Before we were born on this earth, we lived with our father in heaven. He presented His plan to us and we prepared to come to this life. NOW is our "four minutes" to "perform" to the best of our ability. To be our best selves, to serve others, to strengthen our relationship with Christ, etc. We will have eternity to look back and remember how we did. I don't know about you, but I want to be exhausted from working so hard and giving my all to be my best self by the end of my four minutes. :) 
The post office is close to my apartment
 and at night the trucks are 
all parked together.
 It was a pretty great sight because
mail!!! :)

  • In the Book of Mormon {Alma 12: 24} we read, "... Therefore this life became a probationary state; a time to prepare to meet God..." And that's exactly what life is! 
I am beyond grateful to know that I have a literal Father in Heaven who loves me, and who helps me throughout this life so that I am able to live with Him again. He wants ALL of His children to return to Him. I know my savior lives, and loves me. I'm grateful to be a tool in the Lord's hands 24/7! I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God and it's the perfect cheat sheet to "performing" our best during this "four minutes" of life. I invite you to read it. Study it. Pray about it! In that sacred book you will find peace, joy, hope, and comfort :)

{{ I  A M  S O  G R A T E F U L  F O R  T H E  G O S P E L  O F  J E S U S  C H R I S T }}
Thank you X10 for the support, love, and prayers!! 
Love, Sister Kailey Chandler 

Monday, January 5, 2015

Week 13: Happy New Year!

Hello, Hello! 

Earlier this week we had a family history training. It was neat to see how much work needs to be done in my family, and how much it's becoming apart of missionary work!! 

During district meeting we had a lesson on unity and we had to make a paper airplane as a companionship. We then flew them in the gym and I'm happy to report that ours won.  I definitely had an elder walk me through the folding of the paper though because I am not trained in this technique.

A lady in my ward crocheted me a blanket!! It's big, and warm, and I love it :)  I forgot to take a picture of it though.. Sorry :/ maybe next week :) 

Funny story! Sister Lewis and I taught an investigator, E, this week. We taught her the word of wisdom, which basically teaches us how to take care of our bodies. To avoid harmful or addictive substances and to exercise and eat healthy. As soon as we got done teaching her she stood up and said, "Do you want some coffee?? :)" hahah E is slightly mentally unstable so it was more funny than anything, but we are working on it :) 

                                                     << N E W  Y E A R S>> 

On Wednesday evening we got together with our zone to eat tons of junk food, (just what I need) and watch two G rated movies! After multiple votes, we decided to watch Over The Hedge and How to Train Your Dragon 2. Over the hedge was not my favorite but it was okay. How to train your dragon 2 was SO CUTE!!! Such a good movie! I've never seen it so that was fun :) 

The next day, Sister Lewis went on an exchange with one of our sister training leaders and the other one, sister Anderson, came to Centreville with me. This day was SO FUN!! Sister Anderson served in Centreville when she first got to her mission. It was her second area, so I made sure we had a handful of members for her to visit. We taught a lesson at each one, too so that was a good day for member lessons! She and I are a LOT alike. She also giggles... I repeat... Giggles, not laughs, at everything! hahah it was so much fun and I learned a lot from her! She's a hard worker and helped me focus while still being normal :) 

Yesterday Sister Lewis and I taught school for the 14-16 year-old kids. The topic was on how to recognize the Holy Ghost and how he speaks to you personally. This week during my studies I read a talk given by Elder Richard G. Scott in the April 2012 conference entitled, "How to obtain revelation and inspiration for your personal life". He defined the difference between revelation and inspiration; revelation being crisp, clear and essential, while inspiration is a series of promptings we often have to guide us step by step. He then gave a few points on how to receive revelation! Here are a handful of some that I liked :) 

{I know it's a lot but read them!! 

Each one is key to receiving personal revelation!} 

  • There are some practical principles that enhance revelation. First, yielding to emotions must be eliminated (anger, hurt, defensiveness). They drive away the Holy Ghost and our chance to receive revelation is slight.
  • Exaggeration in the things we say is an enemy to revelation.
  • Spiritual communication can be enhanced by good health practices. Exercise, reasonable amounts of sleep, and good eating habits increase our capacity to receive and understand revelation.
  • It is important that our daily activities do not distract from the spirit:
    ***I love music, and I would always listen to it in the car whenever I was driving somewhere. I found, at times, that the song on the radio wasn't necessarily the best lyrically, but it had a good beat so I kept listening to it. Little did I know, every time that happened I was allowing the spirit to leave! And the spirit isn't like a light switch. I can't flip him on when I want/need him and then listen to whatever I want when I don't think I need him. We need to be living our lives in such a way that we can take a selfie at any minute and think to ourselves, "in this moment I was doing something that I would do if the Lord was standing beside me".***
  • Revelation can also be given in a dream when there is an almost imperceptible transition from sleep to wakefulness. If you strive to capture the content immediately, you can record great detail, but otherwise it fades rapidly. Inspired communication in the night is generally accompanied by a sacred feeling for the entire experience.
  • Inspiration carefully recorded shows God that His communications are sacred to us. Recording will also enhance our ability to recall revelation: ***always write down inspiration! I find that when I do this, I notice how often Heavenly Father really does speak to me.***
  • One must be ever mentally and physically clean and have purity of intent so that the Lord can inspire. One who is obedient to His commandments is trusted of the Lord.
  • For spirituality to grow stronger and more available, it must be planted in a righteous environment. Haughtiness, pride, and conceit are like stony ground that will never produce spiritual fruit. Humility is a fertile soil where spirituality grows and produces the fruit of inspiration to know what to do.
  • An individual who is arrogant or who lets his or her emotions influence decisions will not be powerfully led by the Spirit.
{And then a couple more that I really loved!}
  •  Sometimes we unwisely try to face life by depending on our own experience and capacity. It is much wiser for us to seek through prayer and divine inspiration to know what to do.
  • If you feel that God has not answered your prayers...then carefully look for evidence in your own life that He may have already answered you.
  • That guidance in your life does not take away your agency. You can make the decisions you choose to make. But remember, the disposition to do right brings peace of mind and happiness.
  • As you continue to live righteously, you will always be prompted to know what to do. Sometimes the discovery of what action to take may require significant effort and trust on your part. Yet you will be prompted to know what to do as you meet the conditions for such divine guidance in your life, namely, obedience to the commandments of the Lord, trust in His divine plan of happiness, and the avoidance of anything that is contrary to it.
We receive help from our Father in Heaven in response to our faith, obedience, and the proper use of agency.

{Challenge to my family and members of the church}

For this new year, create a family mission plan! Each month do at least one thing that will help build the kingdom of God. For example, in January decide that you're going to write your testimony in a Book of Mormon and give it to a friend. In February invite a nonmember to church. In March, invite someone over to your home for FHE with
the missionaries. In April find a service project to do as a family. Etc.  This is the invitation we are giving the members in our ward, and I know as we come together to build the kingdom of our beloved Father in Heaven, miracles will take place :) Not only that, but relationships within your family and with your Heavenly Father will be strengthened! Bonus! :) 

I am so thankful to know that God has a plan for me, and he doesn't leave me alone to make decisions. He provides me with direction given by the Holy Ghost, and all I need to do is listen and act. Our Father in Heaven can see far more than what we can, so trust Him! Even if it's a prompting as simple as taking a different way home from school or work; DO IT.

I'm grateful for all of my many many blessings! :) Have a most wonderful week! :)

<< I   L o v e   B e i n g   A   M i s s i o n a r y >> 

Sister Kailey Chandler