Wow I had such a good week!! I'll do my best to recap :)
C has decided to be baptized on the 27th! So we made her a paper chain count down with scriptures and quotes written on them :) she is going through a lot of struggle right now and if you could keep her in your prayers, that would be so great! My sister got me hooked on the paper chain idea after I made one to count down to my mission, so sister Lewis and I made one for Christmas :) it's almost here!!!! :))
We taught the lesson on Sunday and it went so well! The spirit was really strong, and I learned a lot while preparing for it! My mom was blessed with the gift of teaching; she is such a good teacher, especially when it comes to the gospel. I am discovering my own love for teaching as I am out here :) the spirit has been so strong for me this week and I think it's because I am applying the following principles in my life:
On a mission you are encouraged to set goals, and do all you can to accomplish them. Goals that are set for both personal reasons and as a companionship. During the Christmas party this week, we had a member of the 70 come speak, and stressed the blessings that come from doing ALL you can do and trusting God to do the rest. In high school I really stuck to this, and out here on a mission it brings that phrase to a whole other level! In the Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 25:23 tells us that, "... We know that it is by grace that we are saved AFTER ALL WE CAN DO".
Sister Lewis and I set a goal to talk to everyone we see. Everyone! So we do! We talk to the people behind us in line at the post office, or at target. We talk to the guy smoking on his porch, and the lady in the computer room in our complex.
We never know what will come of it, if anything at all, but we know that God will bless us with finding someone who wants to hear the gospel after we do ALL we can do; after we do our part.
This can apply in anything! Whether it's studying for a test, practicing your tail off for a basketball game, memorizing a speech, running 2.6 miles, etc. as long as you do your part the best you can, Heavenly Father WILL take care of the rest :) BUT you have to ask for help, and have faith that He will help you. I testify that he will :)
There were a couple other phrases that were said that day that I want to share:
"God has all power over us, yet still lets us choose"
This is so special to me! I was blessed with parents that gave me guidelines, but still let me figure things out on my own. Our Heavenly Father is the same way! He gives us scriptures, prophets, prayer, and church leaders (as well as parents) to guide us throughout this earthly life, but still lets us choose the path we take, and lets us figure things out.
"Fear and faith cannot dwell in the same heart"
As a missionary, you can't have 100% faith that you're going to find someone while knocking doors if you're too scared to approach people and knock doors!
"All the blessings of the Lord are yours if you call upon him, and you CAN call upon Him".
Not everyone in the world has the same gifts. I wish I could sing like my sweet companion, but.. No such luck. Something I've always wanted to try was softball! But I'm sort of scared of the ball, and for some reason I can't seem to ever hit it with the bat, so that talent skipped me. We all wish we were more patient, or loving, or motivated, or this, or that, but guess what?? Something I've learned while being on my mission is that you can ask Heavenly Father for these gifts and you can receive them! Like mentioned before, you have to work at it and try your best, but God will always help you out :) This week I invite you to put your trust in God while making any decision! Test it out! You will find just how much you really can do with the Lords help :)
On Tuesday we had the usual district meeting, but we practice-taught and focused on teaching with the power of the Holy Ghost. I had SUCH a good experience!! I taught boldly but with love, and it was to another missionary but it was SO effective! Loved it.
Earlier this week when sister Lewis and I came back from the gym, it was so cold outside that the stairs to our apartment had a nice slippery sheet of ice covering them, but we didn't know that until we stepped on them and slipped into each other. I got a cute bruise on my ankle for a few days :P oh my! And sister Lewis is a beast! An elder in our district can break an apple perfectly in half with his hands, so she tried it and after about 5 minutes she did it! I was impressed :)
Another thing that impressed me was the fact that I ran 2.6 miles one morning!! I haven't done that since college this summer, so I was feeling great!
And then I got a package from my mom full of fudge and my favorite Italian cookies EVER!!! So much for running :) haha I LOVED this package!! Thank you to everyone who wrote me a Christmas card!! That made my day, and the stocking!!? Where on earth did you find such an adorable stocking, mother?!? SO cute!! :) I hung up my garland and stocking above my bed. Our apartment is looking more and more like Christmas every week!!

On Friday we had a mission Christmas party!! :) this was so fun! All 250 missionaries got together and had a talent show in the beginning. But it wasn't a cheesy talent show at all! The people in my mission are sooo talented!! Oh it was so much fun :) we had good food and goodies served to us, and a wonderful spiritual message. I'll share it later :)
Every year president Riggs likes to make a "yearbook" for the mission so that people can find someone they were attracted to when they go home. President likes to play match maker, but tells you to lock your heart while you're here. He is funny, but the point to this is that you know how it's extremely rare for anyone to take a decent yearbook picture?? Ya. Same goes for this mission yearbook picture! Sister Lewis and I look like we just woke up... From the dead. hahaha good thing everyone else does too ;)
I love being a missionary. I love my family and I am so grateful for the knowledge that I have that families can be sealed together for time and eternity. I know my savior lives, and I need Him EVERY. HOUR. of every day.
I hope you have a fantastic week!! Merry Christmas!!! :)
Sister Chandler
The first one is all the places that people that I've met/taught come from.
The second is a picture with all those important people when they pushed the button at the temple to turn the lights on. (From left to right: mr. And mrs. Marriott- the guy who owns the hotels, yours truly ;), the member of the 70 that spoke, I don't have a clue who that girl is.. Maybe his wife?, ambassador of Bulgaria and her husband, then just people in my ward, including sister Lewis)
And then the typical selfie for the week!
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