
Monday, December 1, 2014

Week 8: Turkeys, Snow, & Yarn

Happy (late) Thanksgiving. I had such a good week!

Last Monday we walked past a man who was sitting in his car with the window rolled down, so we said hi and asked how he was doing. We started talking, and then he asked if we had a card! He said we'd be hearing from him after Thanksgiving week so cross your fingers that that means this week! :) 

Later that night we taught a family home evening lesson with a family of 8 kids. We taught being thankful during trials and based it off of the story when Nephi's older brothers tie him to the boat. He was tied up for 4 days straight, and when they let him go his wrists and ankles were swollen! BUT Nephi is such a good example. He didn't complain or murmur even a little bit the entire time; he just thanked God for his blessings and praised Him all the day long. Anyway, while teaching this, we had the kids act it out and it was so fun :)

When serving a mission in the states, it's easy to get fat :( so you really have to watch how much you eat, and how much you exercise. I kept limiting myself to running a mile every morning, but Sister Lewis had the brilliant idea of using my jacket to cover up the numbers on the treadmill so that I couldn't see how far I'd gone. I did just that and had to stop because it was time to go home, so when I took my jacket off of the numbers, I found that I easily ran over a mile and a half- almost 2 miles! So now that's how I run :) We can apply this to a lot of things in life; limiting ourselves. We can all reach so much further if we stop putting limits on the things we do! This includes missionary work.

I had a proud moment in District meeting on Tuesday. In elementary school I would always win when we played limbo in music class, and this week we did an object lesson for district meeting. We split the zone up in districts and needed one person per task to perform. I chose the limbo (which represented reaching/stretching/growing) and am happy to report that I kicked butt :)

Wednesday was fun! We helped a sister organize her house after she moved in, and then IT SNOWED!!! My FIRST snow away from home and it was.... pathetic. It was wet and only stuck to the grass, which we counted as a blessing because when it snows here people just stop their cars, get out, and walk. (that's what we hear anyway) But I love snow! It was gone the next day, and today it's like 73 degrees. Oh well.

Thursday was Thanksgiving! Funny story. As missionaries, we have to be awake by 6:30. Sister Lewis naturally woke up around 6:05 and thought to herself, "Heavenly Father. I am not feelin' it today. Im going to need some help waking up this morning". Then the next thing she knows, I'm shooting up out of bed saying, "Sister Lewis! We forgot to set an alarm!!" Luckily it was only 6:45, but still. Her response after processing what was happening, "Whoops! Happy Thanksgiving!" hahah then we sat there and laughed for a good 3 minutes before we got up. After studies we went to a members home and made pies, as well as veggie trays that looked like turkeys! That was so fun! :) 

For dinner we went to an investigators home. We talked about the plan of salvation (because it just came up in conversation) and ate a wonderful dinner with them! It was so great :) EXCEPT!! NO rolls!! WHAT?! Ya. Lame. Thanksgiving is not Thanksgiving for me without rolls. I thought of Grandpa and how he would be just as devastated as I was. But don't worry, we had another dinner right after that with a member family and they had rolls :) We also shared a message with both families... As always :) We also took some dinner over to an older lady. She's sweet :) It was such a great Thanksgiving! I hope yours was just as good :)

Sister Lewis and I were dropped a couple weeks ago by an investigator, but we thought it would be nice to make him cookies for the Holiday, so we texted him and asked if we could bring them by. It was snowing that day, so he replied with, "You don't need to bring me a plate of cookies in this weather. How about I get them from you at church on Sunday?" ..... um.... YES!? So he came! Along with 4 investigators and 1 less active! Sister Lewis and I were shocked! There were also a few members who happened to bring non member friends to church on the same day so we were so busy! It was such a good day!!

Sister Lewis also taught me how to crochet, so I totally made an infinity scarf and now I'm slightly addicted. I feel like an old lady in my spare time but its fine ;)

Random fun fact: Every so often I will have a dream where I come home for the weekend and see my family or friends, and then go back out on my mission? haha

Happy Holidays!! :))) This is my favorite time of year!! God is good and I love Christmas :)

Sister Chandler

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