Hello! :)
This week started out so great with a referral from headquarters!! A lady requested a bible and we like to get those requests contacted within 24 hours. So we went to give it to her, and Sister Lewis asked why she wanted one. Her name is L. She said she was trying to grow closer to God because she once felt the holy spirit and she wants it back. Immediately my heart overflowed with love for this woman and I was like, "Well thats actually our job! We are missionaries for Jesus Christ, and it's our job to help people grow closer to Christ! Is that something you'd be interested in??" She shook her head with big eyes and said, "Oh yes! Can you come by tomorrow??" This is a miracle. I love Heavenly Father!! :) When we went to visit her we found out that she has Lupus and a sickle cell disease, AND she was SHOT in the leg in June!!?? All we could think about was the plan of salvation, but there wasn't any time to teach her so we are going back this week. She also told us she couldn't find a church anywhere that had a daycare because she wanted to take her kids with her to church! I was like, "Our church has that!" I never thought I'd be so grateful for nursery.
Tuesday was AWESOME!!! So get this. At the temple over here in DC they string 600,000 lights all over the trees, and every single night in December there is a concert; different people come from everywhere to perform here, and its a big deal. The first night is the night they push one single button that lights all 600,000 of them all at once! BUT it's invite only because important people are at this one. People like the Ambassador of Bulgaria, and an area 70, and congressmen, etc. Sister Lewis and I were blessed with a wonderful ward, and Sister Egbers is a lady in the ward who's mother was in charge of the whole thing! So she invited us to go!! It was so cool!! The Ambassador of Bulgaria talked about how impressed she was with the missionaries in her country, and how much she respects members of the church for the service they give to her people. I felt so great sitting in the audience wearing Jesus Christ's name on my shirt :) We sang Christmas songs with people from all over the world, and you know that little 12 year old girl, Lexi Walker, who is an amazing singer?? She performed and we got a picture with her :) We felt cool ;) It was BEAUTIFUL!! I am a sucker for Christmas lights so I couldn't have had a better night.
One morning while sister Lewis and I were running to the gym, I said something funny and she turned to look and laugh at me but she turned too quick and threw something out in her neck, so now her shoulders are literally uneven. I thought about how nice it would be if my dad were here, but we called sister Riggs and she just told us to ice it and see how she feels on Monday (today). I don't think she understood when we said that her shoulders were clearly uneven... poor sister Lewis! Hopefully we can find a Chiropractor soon!
The ward Christmas party was on Friday, so we helped set up for that and Sister Lewis and I decided to match! It was a hit :) Also, we took a picture with Santa because why not?
Church was SO good yesterday! I was so spiritually filled, and then we watched the Christmas Devotional yesterday at a members home so that was even more spiritually filling!! I love my savior so much. I am so grateful for the atonement, and for the love my Heavenly Father has for me alone. It's so great to know that I am a daughter of God, and he knows me better than I know myself :) Being on a mission has helped me discover Jesus Christ. I no longer simply know OF Him, but I KNOW Him, and it's the coolest thing ever! I recommend watching "He is the Gift" on mormon.org/christmas. It's a beautiful reminder of the true meaning of Christmas :)
Sad Fact: C is the woman who is on date to be baptized, but is no longer on date because she wants her husband to do it... but we talked to the bishop and he said in order for that to happen we are going to have to wait until next month :( We are going to talk to them tonight, but as of now we don't have a baptism anytime super soon anymore.
Missions are fun despite the rough patches! I love being a missionary so much! :)
Thank you Thank you for all the love and support!! I love my Heavenly Father, and my earthly parents for making it possible for me to serve this mission :) It's truly the best decision I've ever made.
Mom: I got your little package and letter! Thanks for making parker write me 2 paragraphs :) hahaha Also, I felt something in my boot this week so I took it off to tip it upside down, and out came a little note that you wrote before I left! 8 weeks later... hahah thanks :) Love you :)
All my love,
Sister Chandler
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